Thursday, March 17, 2005

Death by Political Correctness The consequences of ignoring the obvious.

Is there no situation so grave that it cannot be rendered into farce through the timely recitation of politically correct drivel? Recall Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta’s laughable assertion, put forth even as the rubble of the World Trade Center smoldered, that the flying public and America at large are threatened equally by 75-year-old white women and 25-year-old Arab men. Following in this sorry tradition is Paul Howard, district attorney for Fulton County, Ga.

Facing reporters after Brian Nichols’s homicidal rampage and escape from the Fulton County Courthouse, Howard was asked about the wisdom in having a lone female deputy sheriff escorting a large man accused of a violent sex crime. A sensible question, certainly, what with three people freshly murdered (a fourth soon would follow) and a madman now running loose on the streets of Atlanta. The gathered reporters and anyone watching on television might have anticipated a reasoned, thoughtful response, perhaps to include a call for the reevaluation of the relevant courthouse policies. Alas, no such response was forthcoming.

Ann Coulter weighs in too...
Freeze! I just had my nails done!
How many people have to die before the country stops humoring feminists? Last week, a defendant in a rape case, Brian Nichols, wrested a gun from a female deputy in an Atlanta courthouse and went on a murderous rampage. Liberals have proffered every possible explanation for this breakdown in security except the giant elephant in the room – who undoubtedly has an eating disorder and would appreciate a little support vis-à-vis her negative body image.


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