Friday, November 11, 2005

Another violation of your privacy brought to you by the Sunshine State.

Due to recent changes made by the Florida Legislature, all voter registration records will become open public records as of January 1, 2006. Items such as social security numbers will not be public record; however the names,addresses, birth dates, telephone numbers and other non-exempted information will be open to the public without restriction.

There are certain individuals whose personal information is specifically exempted.

Anybody ever hear of identity theft? What useful purpose is served in making the private information of law abiding citizens public?


At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This state is becoming a cess pool. It is ludicrous that law abiding citizens have no protection of their personal information. First the concealed weapons expose and now votors registration. My husband and I are planning to leave the state after many years for many reasons. This is just another straw that breaks the camels back. We are relocating where values are strong and protection of the individual upmost. Where might this be? The best part of the nation...the wonderful Midwest.

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Midwest ain't all it's cracked up to be honey.

At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the details as to the bill and its sponsors under which this occurred? Was it an attachment to a main bill or was it a separate bill that approved this stupidity. What or who were the lobbying groups behind this if any? If someone could post this info and any other info that they might have on this issue, it would be helpful. I will continue my research on it. God help anyone who promoted this moronic measure 'cause I am going to "rip them a new one!" They can kiss their political careers goodbye!
I have been in this state for over 20 years and involved in politics since I was a Poli-Sci major in college. Florida has one of the dumbest state legislatures in the country. This registered voter list issue is another prime example of their stupidiy. This issue allows an end around by telemarketers from the phone solicitation laws which exempt political purpose. I have an unregistered phone #. Lot of good that does now!
I also have a hand held airhorn by the phone. There is more than one telemarketer out there that no longer hears as well as they did before they called me.

At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the airhorn idea. I just about spit coffee through my nose!

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Pat - WHo do we contact in Tallahassee to complain about this?
Is there an email address?
Is there a method to opt-out of being listed?


At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

opt out by not registering to vote

At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Florida appears to be doing all it can to insure privacy in all areas isn't an option. If we opt out of registering to vote...they win. Florida stinks in almost every area at this time and the "best" is yet to come.


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