Tuesday, November 15, 2005


The Bush administration is finally and concertedly pushing back against the Deaniac Democrat lie that President Bush somehow lied us into war in Iraq. The president has delivered two speeches in the past few days that take direct aim at those Democrats who voted in favor of the war but now claim that the administration duped them into that vote by lying about the intelligence regarding Saddam's WMD. All of this is to the good, and it's long past being about time the administration did this. A majority of the country now sees President Bush as a dishonest man; the "Bush LIED" meme and the administration's lack of a robust self-defense against it are two big reasons why.

The tragedy of the situation is that the administration could prove beyond doubt that it didn't lie its way into war just by promoting a simple Google search.

Type in Clinton Iraq 1998

Google will take you back in time to 1998, the last time prior to the invasion that the US and Saddam Hussein had a major confrontation. The Google search string Clinton Iraq 1998 will bring up 3.5 million hits about that conflict, during which pretty much every prominent Democrat expressed his or her belief that Saddam had or was developing WMD and was a threat because of it.

No one believed then or since that any US action including Operation Desert Fox in December 1998 completely destroyed Saddam's WMD programs. So if the Democrats believed in those weapons back then, why are they claiming to have been fooled by Bush into believing in them in 2002 and 2003? Well, it's obviously politics at work--the leftwing base of the Democrat party has pulled even its national security hawks to the left, where conspiracy theories rule. And the biggest conspiracy theory that the left loves concerns the war, and how Bush LIED us into it.

So Google it. Prove for yourself that he didn't, and indeed couldn't have. Tell your wavering friends to Google Clinton Iraq 1998. If you have Bush-hating friends, make them do that search and then watch their world crumble around them.

Hat Tip to Michelle Malkin.


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