Woman Will Likely Live With Bullet In Head

local6 is reporting...
A Central Florida woman who was struck in the face by a stray bullet while watching New Year's Eve fireworks will likely be forced to live with it lodged in her skull, according to a Local 6 News report.Shocker!
Investigators said Ruby Cintron was standing on the north shoreline of Crooked Lake in the Highlands Lake subdivision off Hiawassee Road after midnight Sunday when she was hit near the eye by the .45-caliber bullet.
An investigation determined that the bullet came from someone who fired into the sky to ring in the New Year.
Cintron, who does not have health insurance, was forced to leave the hospital Tuesday because she cannot afford further care for her injuries, according to the report.Where's the compassion? Couldn't they work something out? There has to be a better solution!
Its all about money bottom line.
The hospital held up to its responsibility under the law.
America is the richest country because we done put up with feelings. Either you have the means or don't.
We are not a socialist (communist) country yet.
bush doesn't care about health care because he has socialized medicine - his health care is free!
The hospital is between a rock and a hard place. If they continue to give free care to those who have no insurance, they'll eventually go bankrupt, after which nobody will receive hospital care. Florida is having the same problem as does California; uninsured immigrants, both legal and illegal, go to emergency rooms for routine health care, the cost of which is partially re-imbursed by the federal government. That's what happens when millions of illegals pour across the border too quickly to be assimilated.
Fear not. The hospitals will eventually come to the point where the best they can afford to give is basic, no-frills, health care. At that time, everybody who can pay will be paying much more than they do now to compensate for those who don't belong here. That probably won't be enough, and many hospitals will go out of business. Then the screaming from the public will be so loud that policians will have no excuse for not making hard choices, no longer giving lip service to liberal compassion, because that's what's ruining health care now.
Government-paid, universal health care doesn't work in the liberals' favorite fantasy land, Canada. People are put on waiting lists for critical surgery which is needed immediately. Many of them die for lack of routine surgery, because it can't be scheduled soon enough. Such over-regulation is Canada's way to compensate for the high cost of health care. The result is the same there as it is here, where the law requires that everybody who shows up in an emergency room must be treated: less than desirable health care.
Pat the Radio Boy Entertainer,
I hear the last 15 minutes of you show today and could not believe you false indignation.
The medical system is the one your box of rock conservatives produced. The shot in the right eye lady is not the first person to be turned out by a hospital nor will she be the last in Central Florida,
In the seventies, a woman gave birth to a child in a rest room of a hospital waiting room. This hospital received annual property taxes from me for medical services. She was black. If you want to assist this young Hispanic lady, lets raise some money for her medical care. I start with $10.00, how about you?
James F.
Good Morning Pat,
My 2-cents:
I think it is an absolutely shame that a human being was sent home from the hospital with a bullet in her head because of no insurance. I truly believe that a dog would NOT have been sent home in the same condition because of the lack of insurance. In the richest country on the planet, I find it hard to believe that such an inhumane act has been committed. Is it greed, or just PLAIN incompassion (OR BOTH)? I'm sure that removing that bullet would not cause the hospital to file bankruptcy.
Ms. Sandy
Good Morning Pat......
OK, put down your coffee mug and grab a jacket.....I am taking you to the wood shed.....:+)
# 1. ORMC DOES write off many of the indigent accounts that people incur on a regular basis......This includes many of the surgeons and out patient related care.
# 2. It is not ORMC's responsibility to negotiate with indigents....ORMC will always let the patients know that they can contact the social service department of the hospital and speak to a spokesperson about payment options.....but ORMC cannot force anyone to talk to these people. It is the responsibility of the patients or patient's family members to set up and discuss the available options, and there are many.
# 3. There are many people who are walking around with bullets (and other small objects) embedded in their heads.....it is not uncommon for these objects to remain in a persons brain for life due to the high risk of surgery that presents itself in some cases. Brain surgery is always a very high risk procedure and if the bullet poses no immediate threat (like blocking an artery or causing vision problems) then a surgeon may opt to just leave it there.
# 4. If there is a problem with medical care and or neglect, it IS THE PATIENTS HUSBAND that is to blame here...Not ORMC. He should contact social services and or insist on receiving whatever care is available for his wife. The hospital cannot force care on people who do not want it.
My husband had brain surgery 3 years ago to remove a blood clot on the brain. We had two insurance companies (mine and his) but the bills were still in the thousands for our portion of responsibility.....He was hospitalized 6 weeks in ORMC and another 4 at the brain rehab.....we are still paying for our portion. The hospital and the doctors are always willing to work out payment options and as long as we are faithful to pay in a timely fashion, there is no problem.
Many people choose not to pay and the hospital will try to recover their losses, but usually has to write off these deadbeats. Look at the number of crime victims in Orlando and I would be willing to bet that few if any have medical insurance......these people DO RECEIVE treatment....it just doesn't make the news.
Well said, Shirley. I work for this hospital and I know that ORMC spends a shocking amount of money each year on indigent care and community outreach programs.
They are very willing to work with patients to make financial arrangements for the uninsured. Sometimes they get paid, sometimes they don't. The patients receive the critical care they need regardless.
The health care given to non-citizens and the uninsured is one of the reasons for the soaring health care costs everyone complains about. But the patients still receive care, as they should. Any of us could find ourselves with a major injury and no health care insurance, and we would want the same.
We are only getting one side of the story here. ORMC cannot discuss her care and tell their side,because to do so would violate her patient confidentiality. It made me very angry to hear people trashing ORMC when all the facts are not known.
From what I have heard on the radio and tv, this injured patient received the emergency care she needed and was discharded to recuperate at home. This is not uncommon, even with insured individuals.
This bullet may be in a part of the brain that makes operating either too risky or unnecessary. My nephew was shot when he was a teenager and has bullet fragments near his spine. They are not hurting him, but to operate could cause paralysis or death, an unnecessary risk.
I do not work in a clinical area and do not have any personal knowledge of her case other than what I have heard on the radio and tv. If I did, I would not even be commenting. But do I know that the staff and management of ORMC are very caring and compassionate. If you have ever worked in the medical field and had the priviledge to work closely with doctors and nurses as I have, you would know this. Health care professionals are a rare breed, and deserve the benefit of the doubt, especially when we do not know the whole story.
It hurt me to listen some of the things I have heard people say about this incident and about ORMC, and their staff, like ORMC was some money grubbing chop shop. Nothing could be further from the truth.
We do not know all the facts. This patient is in an unfortunate position with a major injury and no health insurance. But who is responsible for her? From what I have heard on the radio and tv, ORMC took care of her immediate medical needs. She can say anything she wants and the hospital cannot even defend itself. Please reserve judgement.
The right wingers complain about the illegals putting hospitals out of business, yet the dummy in the White House won't do anything about it. Then the right whines and moans about a woman being turned away from the hospital, I read she was an illegal. If that's the case pack her up and send her back where she came from.
"the medical system in this country is a joke,"
It's the best in the world. Jeb you're the joke!
Jeb you are a fucking retard.
Campbell ought to ban IDIOTS like you from posting. Since the US Medical system is such a joke according to you what country do you go to for medical care? By the way I do have Health Insurance like most Americans. I don't seek to suck off the government tit like you! Are you still living at home with mommy and daddy? Because you sound very dependent, unable to fend for yourself.
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