Friday, June 16, 2006

North American Union Already Starting to Replace USA

From HumanEvents...

In March 2005 at their summit meeting in Waco, Tex., President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin issued a joint statement announced the creation of the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” (SPP). The creation of this new agreement was never submitted to Congress for debate and decision. Instead, the U.S. Department of Commerce merely created a new division under the same title to implement working groups to advance a North American Union working agenda in a wide range of areas, including: manufactured goods, movement of goods, energy, environment, e-commerce, financial services, business facilitation, food and agriculture, transportation, and health.

Jerome R. Corsi joins me Monady at 8AM with details.


At 9:33 AM, Blogger MC Fanon said...

Hey Pat. Upon initially hearing about this, I thought "Hey, the European Union has been doing quite well for sometime. Maybe this is the answer to our woes."

...Then I realized the creation of a North American Union means completely forfitting of our heritage and rights as United States citizens. This is another method of the Bush administration's globalization, which ultimately stems from imperialism.

Assuming this is true, and this is a big assumption because no governmental authority to my knowledge has verified these claims, we need to impeach the President now more than ever.

**By the way, great topic to pick, and good coverage. Even though I rarely agree with you, it's these kind of gems that I might not hear anywhere else that makes listening to you worth it.



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