Saturday, March 26, 2005

Proof that Terri is not PVS

Check out Kevin McCullough's excellent column at WND.

You see, one of the definitions of someone who is PVS is that they cannot swallow. A "liquified cortex" would prevent someone from being able to swallow the saliva that they produce. Doctors will testify that the average human can produce up to two liters of saliva a day.

But with Terri ... it's not. It's missing. It's just not there.

Her chin, lips, corners of her mouth, neck and face are never slimy. How is this possible?

I admit I'm not a Nobel Prize nominated brain-injury expert. Luckily for Terri, Dr. Hammesfahr is. And he testified that she is swallowing, and as such is not PVS, and as such should be allowed to live.


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