Saturday, March 05, 2005

Study finds disproportionate abuse by 'gays' 34% of sexual molestations of foster children were same-sex

WorldNetDaily is reporting...

Study finds disproportionate abuse by 'gays'
34% of sexual molestations of foster children were same-sex

A six-year study of sexual abuse committed by foster parents in Illinois found a highly disproportionate percentage of the cases were homosexual in nature.

About one-third were same-sex while estimates are that no more than 3 percent of people in the general population say they engage in homosexual acts.

An article in the March issue of the peer-reviewed publication Psychological Reports presented data analyzed by Dr. Paul Cameron, chairman of the Colorado-based Family Research Institute.

Cameron believes it's likely the Illinois figures reflect the situation among the nation's estimated half-million foster children.

"What's shocking, is that 34 percent of the molestations were homosexual," Cameron told the Illinois Leader.

What, in your opinion, might account for this disproportionate number of homosexuals molesting children?


At 7:12 PM, Blogger prying1 said...

re miniroo's comment: Guess this question brings out the worst in some people.

- I'd say that there are some (I hope very few) in the foster care business that are preditors seeking victims. They must find it nice to have the state deliver their quarry.

All states need to get a better vetting system and castrate any criminals they find in the system.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Kellogg...that's a sick thought to think that a young child would initiate sexual contact with a same-sex adult AND that the adult would go along with it.

In trying to keep a calm voice about myself, I understand that abused kids act out physically and sexually. But it's the foster parents' job to refuse those advances and redirect the child to act in an appropriate manner. They are also to report those incidents to their family's case worker and the child's therapist.

I'm a former DCF investigator, and thank God "former" as the Florida system is messed up and ineffective for the most part.

There is nothing wrong with being a reclusive or an individualist. I can't stand my neighbors and don't care to associate with them...I think they are all Democrats. However, DCF and the foster care system works in the community coordinated care type of framework. One of the red flags when investigating an allegation of abuse is how removed the child is from the community....and that includes physical proximaty (like if they live 3 miles into the woods, or the family doesn't let the child do any extracurricular activities, church, play with other kids in the neighbohood, soccer, etc.).

Again, let me reiterate that you are sorely minded in thinking that the child should be blamed for same-sex advances. Makes me wonder if you advocate and participate in such activities yourself.


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