Today's Hate Mail
MR campbell:
I erroneously sent this to Gelnn Beck (shows you how much I listen to your station).
As I was tooling across the radio dial from listening to AM 1690 (overnight), Air America in Atlanta, I accidentally paused on Facist Radio 540 and heard some of your diatribe about the Supreme Court's decision ruling the death penalty for defendants under the age of 18 'cruel and unusual punishment'. PURE BULLSHIT!!, as are you. You and your moronic listeners are at best pathetic. Extolling the virtues the like of Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas are typical of the self-centered, self-righteous zealots fascists you represent. What makes it all the more pathetic is you get paid for it, and most of your listeners just stuff it in their little brains like those (in the majority I might add) who favored the War in Vietnam (WRONG!), Nazism (WRONG!) holding slaves (WRONG!).
I would greatly enjoy debating this and any issue with the likes of you, but alas I would be tempted to tell you to go F@#K yourself and that wouldn't be acceptable on righteous radio. I will, however, be listening to radio over my SIRIUS network which includes a broad base of entertainment and choice. Death to AM radio and to the monopolistic practices of Clear Channel. In five years you won't have a job.
Why was it the fascists, the communists, most totaliarian regimes arrest the exterminate their best and finest thinkers (the progressive, the liberal, the intelligent) as their first act of CONTROL? By the way, our legal system IS based upon European law (Roman, Greek and even French). We came from Europe, you idiot.
As they say en France, au revoir et "embrassez mon ane!
My response...
Dear Bobby,
They say that ignorance is bliss, based on that you must be one very happy man. How sad you can't debate without using four letter expletives, no doubt the result of public education. I'm not surprised you were looking for Air America they tend to attract the shallow end of the gene pool. Might I suggest you look into a good anger management program, you obviously have issues.
Pat Campbell
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