Monday, August 22, 2005

Talk-show host fired for linking Islam, terror

Michael Graham refused retract demand by CAIR, ABC's WMAL in Washington

Check out the details of the WND story HERE.


At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Michael..........I'll have an order of fries and a large coke with my order.

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clear Channel probably won't touch him with a ten foot pole. When Shannon Burke was out of control they lost nearly all their sponsors for that segment of the day. They ended putting Shannon on FM only after he apologised on air for off the wall comments lumping all Muslims to terrorism.

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He'll probably open mouth and insert foot. See how long he lasts in Frisco, a liberal bastion.

At 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, Burke got a promotion, not a demotion. FM is where the money is stupid.

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Money is in FM how come Rush has a $250 million contract with clear channel?

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course Michael Graham is correct in his analysis. We have been dooped into Political Correctness on Islamic issues and some people will only get the message when they find themselves dressed in an orange jumpsuit, in front of a Video Camera with a knife at their throat. The Koran says it is not wrong to lie to an Infidel and now the Muslims want to substitute the Bible with the Koran when they testify in court. As dumb as we are we will probably go along with that.

At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not a question of "offending someone", it is a question of safety. If you make an incriminating statement like, "Islam is a terrorist organization", then according to that statement... all law abiding US Muslim citizens are criminals. I am a Muslim American, a Vietnam veteran ( 1 Purple Heart), and a retired New Jersey cop. When statements like this are made on a radio show, that opens the door for crazies to attack Muslim Americans. This has happened numerous times since 911 especially to Muslim women who choose to wear a headscarf. Just imagine the outcry if he said.... Judaism or Christianity or all Hispanics were terrorists.
Best Wishes

At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mustafa says:
The Muslim community in Tampa and Ohio complained about Sami Al-Arian as early as 1993. The Muslim community in Lackawana NY reported the Al-Qaida members who trained in Afghanistan, and in London the Muslim community reported 2 of the suicide bombers as trying to spread radical teachings to others. The British authorities did nothing and did not follow up on these tips. Any good cop would have checked these guys out especially in these times. Muslim-American or American-Muslim, same thing. We are Americans who practice Islam.


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