Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Thursday Morning

7:00AM The Good News From Iraq

7:35AM Orange County Mayor Rich Crotty on Hurricane Wilma

8:05AM Dick Morris in studio

The Next Great Presidential Race

New York, NY – Emblazoned with bitterness and resulting in a country more divided than ever before, the 2004 presidential race will go down in history as one of America’s most significant political battles. But the political landscape left in the wake of the 2004 election and the waning support for President Bush in his second term has left the door wide open for what could prove to be an even greater battle in 2008.

In his new book, CONDI VS. HILLARY: The Next Great Presidential Race [ReganBooks – October 11, 2005] Dick Morris examines one of the scenarios that could lie in store for the 2008 presidential race – Republican Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice against Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton.

Morris’ latest work analyzes the likelihood of the match-up and clearly acknowledges the political prowess of both perspective candidates. Senator Clinton is obviously positioning herself as a moderate in anticipation for 2008, and Condoleezza Rice’s popularity within the Republican Party and her knowledge and success within the international community makes a compelling argument for her candidacy.

As Morris points out, both prospective candidates are well positioned to seek and win their party’s nominations and “as both are emerging as their party’s charismatic heroines they seem fated to meet on the grand stage of presidential politics.”

Condi vs. Hillary is the first in-depth look at the next fight for the presidency from one of the most brilliant political minds in modern American history. Timed to coincide with the political maneuvering that traditionally precedes election season, it is sure to become the definitive prelude to what is expected to be a war for The White House.

As one of former President Bill Clinton’s senior advisors, Dick Morris is almost universally credited with piloting Clinton to a stunning comeback re-election victory in 1996 and has managed dozens of other successful political campaigns. He is a nationally syndicated columnist and a regular contributor for Fox News Channel. Condi vs. Hilary is Dick Morris’ 8th book. His other works include “Rewriting History,” “Because He Could,” “Power Plays,” “Behind the Oval Office,” among others.


At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke Morse is. How many books is this now on his favorite subject? Thank goodness Dick "FOOT FETTISH" Morse worked for Bill and Hillary. Otherwise how would he be making a living. Since his shameful fall from grace, his main means of staying in the public eye has been to exploit his relationship with the Clintons. Why would anyone listen to his distorted point of view? Him having the audacity to comment on Clinton's escapades is really the pot calling the kettle black. What a hypocite!

At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, Pat do you work out? You are just so sexy!! I'm saving this pic so I can diddle myself to it later.

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dick morris is one goofy lookin bastard

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Morris the kind of lowlife that the Republican Taliban would love to hate? Only because he now makes money from Clinton bashing has he become their darling.

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Pat! You're ripped! No wonder your going bald and your testicles are basically non-existent. Must be those performance enhancers.


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