Mike Fumento Rocked Orlando !

Mike Fumento stopped by this morning with his reflections on World Aids Day.
Read Why is HIV So Prevalent in Africa?
He also helped us sort through all the hype regarding the Avian Flu.
Don't forget to check out his book The Myth Of Hetrosexual Aids.
AIDS in Africa is a result of Christian Missionaries destroying many indigenous cultures. Once you are "saved" you still go to heaven no matter what you do.
That's the funniest thing I ever heard in my life. Blaming AIDS on Christian Missionaries. The rampant spread of AIDS in Africa is BEHAVIOR driven just like here in the States. Stop the high risk BEHAVIOR and you stop HIV/AIDS in it's tracks. It's all about personal responsibility.
That's right bozo. They go into these countries and preach about getting "saved", and after that you will go to heaven. No personal responsibility because you can't get "unsaved". They also preach against condoms and discourage people from using them, thus making the situation worse.
The more-massive-than-elsewhere AIDS problem in Africa is due to a variety of factors. One of the biggest is the fact that over the past fifty years or so, each African country has been trying to build up its economy and its infrastucture, which includes roads, something which we take for granted. The result has been a migration of young people from their small, previously isolated villages, into "the big city," where they look for work. This removes them from the traditional guardians, the relatives and neighbors who provide pressure to conform to modest, traditional values, as practiced in the small, "primative" villages. In other words, the young folks have much less social pressure to not screw around.
Another factor is the significant spread caused by hookers who hang around truck stops and the long-haul drivers who buy the hookers' services. Those truckers can carry diseases long distances.
Another factor is ignorance. Some people don't understand that condoms can reduce the risk of AIDS transmission. (I say reduce rather than eliminate, because latex condoms are made of the same material as surgical gloves. They typically have microscopic holes which are not large enough to pass bacteria, but are, on average, three times as large as the AIDS virus. That's why many surgeons now double glove before picking up that scalple.) Some African men believe that they can be cured of AIDS by having sex with virgins.
Another factor is religion, but not the kind brought by Christian missionaries. Many islamic mullahs condemn anti-AIDS programs as being the tool of infidels for destroying islam. Another problem is the open wounds which come from having sex with a genitally-mutilated woman; so-called female cirmcumcisions are commonly forced upon muslim women in Africa, and result in smaller vaginal openings, which tear open easily during sex.
Another factor is the relative poor health and healthcare in Africa. One is more likely to get AIDS or any other disease if their general health is poor. Wounds and open sores from other diseases are an open highway for HIV to enter the body; people in Africa are more likely to have these open sores than are people in the more-developed world.
I'm sure I've forgotten much relavent info, but I think this is enough to show that it's foolish to simply blame it all on Christian missionaries.
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