Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Is the Bush administration capable of admitting a mistake?

Tune in Wednesday morning to find out!

I am not afraid to say I've screwed up in my life; are you?

Well, let's all stipulate, shall we, that President Bush, or at least his administration, has royally screwed up in turning over the management of 6 of the USA's major ports to a state-run United Arab Emirates company.

It's so bad that even hard-core terrorist apologists, like Senator Chuck Schumer, are denouncing the deal. Republicans from GOP Governors Pataki, Erlich, Rep. Peter King, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others have also denounced it.

Starting all this commotion last week was Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy, who, in a column published in the February 14th Washington Times, first warned about this decision.

In his latest column , Gaffney writes in Tuesday's Washington Times that it's time for the Bush Administration - starting with the President - to not only admit that the decision is wrong, but that the intra-government agency that led to it is faulty and needs reformed.

Frank Gaffney joins me, PC, Wednesday morning.


At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am appalled at the knee-jerk reaction, not only by the media, but by members of Congress to this current port issue. Why would the initial reaction be to assume that this administration, who has been out front fighting terrorism, has suddenly decided to put this country at risk? We need allies in the Arab world and what signal is this obstruction sending to those who are helping us around the world. The Democratic party, who was opposed to profiling immediately following 9/11 and would have us believe there is no war on terror has now determined that every Arab wants to do us harm. If Congress wants to ask some questions to feel comfortable with the sale then that’s fine, but this up front push, by Congress and the media, to stop this sale without any facts is not only irresponsible but dangerous.

At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No...part of it comes because our leader (who I voted for twice) has become a little Napolean. Good thing re-election isn't in his future!


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