Thursday, June 29, 2006

Daisy Lynum can't help herself

"In the last week, I have been called (expletive) more times than I have ever been called probably in my life for calling a white boy a white boy," Lynum said. "Now, when did that become a racial slur."

Racial Profiling Controversy: Lynum Speaks Out

Orlando City Commissioner Daisy Lynum attended a forum on race in the criminal
justice system Wednesday.

While there, she responded to accusations that she made a racist comment to the police department.

The controversy stems from an incident last month when Lynum's son was pulled over by an Orlando Police Officer.

Juan Lynum immediately called his mother, and told her he thought he was being racially profiled.

Lynum says she immediately made some calls, including one to Orlando Police Chief Michael McCoy.

She was then quoted in the Orlando Sentinel as talking about a "white boy" police officer.

At Wednesday night's forum, Lynum says she will not apologize for the comment -- and that it was not a racial slur.

Lynum says at this point she quote “doesn't care if Chief McCoy stays or goes.”

She says she'll continue pushing for the police department to get cameras and audio equipment installed in Orlando Police cars.

She says it would help keep better track of how people are treated during traffic stops.

Daisy also claimed that Blacks CAN'T be racists! Also, she said WHITE BOY is not a racial slur.


At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daisy Lynum is just another example of the ignorance of racism, as it applies to "both" sides of our culture.

I wonder how she would feel if referred to as an "old black woman"?

Her statements typically involve little thought and are usually ill informed.

The sooner she passes through office........the better.

She set`s a poor example of what a public servant should be to their local goverment.

Its time for the biggest hypocrite in Orlando goverment to move on.

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Sue Doe-Nim said...,0,5344182.story

Here's some crazy Daisy for you


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