I went to the Street Of Dreams Friday
Unbelievable! The best of everything.
Read about it here...
Heavenly homes:Home tour gives a look inside luxury mansions
See it here...
The 2006 Orlando Street of Dreams at Bella Collina
After careful deliberation my wife and I settled on the modest Villa Esperanza.
Square footage
11,175 Heated/air-conditioned
19,288 Under roof
Sale Price
$5,800,000.00(unfurnished, excluding lot)
We're checking on financing right now.
Dear Pat,
Off Topic, but wanted you to see this.
I listen most every morning, but I am not the type to call in. So, I am writing this e-mail to you to tell you about the traffic lights in Orlando, as I have seen it play out over the years (I was born here).
When I was in High School, in Kissimme, my Boyfriend taught me how to drive. I remember one day we were going South on Orange Avenue, Downtown during one of my driving lessons, and He said, "If you get the first light green, and go 30 MPH, you hit every light green." This was in the early 70's. (I went to Osceola High with Buddy)
So, then Y2K came along. Do you remember it? If you remember, no computers had 4 spaces for their years, two spaces, ie. 99 was as high as the date program would go. So, 00 would be 1900, not 2000 in computer talk.
Y2K means Year 2000.
Well, Mayor Glenda Hood had community Y2K meetings and I would attend, because I have lived downtown Orlando since 1992, and had an interest in getting answers, much like you.
In the panic of Y2K, the city, under Mayor Hood, set ALL of the "traffic lights" Computer System’s 'date programs' back to the early 70's in the year 1999, with intention, as it is the City's Y2K solution. The red lights now think it is around 1978, I reckon. It was a smart, fast and cheep computer glitch fix.
So, that is why the lights are not in sync with today’s modern traffic patterns. Y2K, to answer your question of this morning, Tuesday, Nov. 28.
To this day, if you hit the first light green, going south on Orange Avenue, you will hit every light
green if you go 30 MPH, just like when I was in High School in the early 70's.
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