Where did PC go?

I can be reached at the following e-mail address
I'm really touched by your support and all the positive comments. This decision had nothing to do with Monday's program and it's content. I was called in after the show and told that my position had been eliminated and that they were taking the station in a different direction. Apparently this change has been in the works for several weeks. It's being driven by a format change at one of the other stations, 740 The Team, in the Clear Channel cluster. 740 will become a Hispanic format. As a result the sports jocks have been moved to 540WFLA.
As for my future I'm taking this week to assess my options. I love Orlando and would like to stay however that may not be possible.
Once I figure out what I'm going to do I'll let you know through this Blog. Please keep me and my family in your prayers during this time of uncertainty.
By the way I'll be on Fox and Friends this Saturday 12/8/07 at 9:15AM ET. Thanks for your support!
Scott Maxwell of The Orlando Sentinel has my story on his BLOG read it HERE.
Pat -- It is 0625 and we have been missing you for about 20 minutes already. Why? What next? God bless!
You have ALWAYS been one for the TRUTH.
What happened at WFLF? Why the secret - no explanation - no warning? One day you are there, the next day some idiot is on.
That does it for me, I'm tired of Tom Benson's lies. Will protest to Clear Channel.
Where and what are you up to now? Where can you be contacted?
PC, I have been listening to you since you started on 540 and you will be sorely missed..if this blog will stay up and running please keep us posted so we know where to find you next. I could say more about the show that is on in your place but am sure you'd rather keep this positive. Best of luck to you and your family.
Let me see.... hard hitting commentary and opinion? Stupid Sports Talk? Who was the Brain Trust that made this decision.... oh well..... off to the other staion for my ride to work.
bad move. you will be missed
I find it a very "Tacky",and selfish act by Radio stations to not allow a Host to say Farewell when they are leaving. This practice is a self-serving performance that reflects the attitude by Radio stations that Radio Hosts are no more then just a commodity to be exploited until no longer needed. Radio Host like Pat Campbell have reached out to the people and shared their thoughts, and opinions on daily matters. They create a "Family" type of environment that make listeners come back each day. This ancient practice of just "pulling" Hosts off the air....almost instantly, without a mutually respective Farewell only tends to alienate the listeners. Grow-up Radio....not everything has to revolve around the Dollar Bill.
Will you keep this blog? Please keep us informed on where you land. I appreciated your insight into many of the problems facing us all. I would like to know where you are so I can maybe listen to you online sometime.
God Bless you and your family.
I am sorry to see you go. I thought you were one of the best talk show hosts in the business and Orlando was lucky to have you. Good Luck
Man that sucks. Your show was great and I wish you the best of luck in whatever challenge you take on next.
Mike in Kissimmee
Good morning Pat, you are already missed. We wish you well in whatever comes next.
I turned on my radio as always to listen to your show and you were not there, instead some guy I've never heard of talking about sports. Where have you moved to? My morning drive won't be the same without your comments, views and interviews. You will be missed.
Wow, did I wake up to a shock today! I'm going to miss you! Good luck and thanks so much for all of the great mornings and info that you provided every day! I hope you still land something locally! Take care. Loyal listener. Christie
from: andrew@codezealot.com
Pat you are the best! I started listening to you when Shannon left 540. I always loved the way you spoke the perspectives of so many Orlando citizens with such passion and well grounded, well informed opinion. If your next position has an internet stream, I WILL be listening.!
Was your leaving optional? Your replacement sucks.
I knew that after yesterday Pat would get fired for speaking out!!! That is so wrong!! I will not listen to this station any further!! If you can't have the guts enough to stand up for your people than you do not deserve my business!! Yes, Pat may have been a little strong on the subject of aids yesterday but, you know what? We all miss it from time to time!
Pissed of in Lakeland - James H
OK I just e-mail you at the 540 address and then it dawned on me, "check the blog idiot"!
I want to thank you for your honesty and fighting the Good fight.
Keep us posted on what you are doing. Perhaps a new e-mail address would be good to have.
Here is what I sent you @540 incase they yanked you already.
Subject: Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Where are you?
Where are you?
Due to my work commitments I was only able to catch the first hour of your show yesterday. So if you knew about this, and announced it, I missed it. My guess is that it was a surprise to you.( I remember what they did to the Oldies guys when they went to Rumba) Well in 30 minutes of listening to this Sileo guy I was ready to listen to Jim Turner. (Or get a noose) Let me know where to catch you on the web.
God Bless!
Steve Smart
This bites! What a shock to hear Silio this morning. Just not my thing, if you know what I mean. And I'm sure a lot of your listeners are "homeless" now because going up the dial just doesn't work for us either. Clear Channel is going to get an earful from me today. Send me an email when you get a chance.
I really enjoyed your show...and you will be missed.
So sorry that this has happened.
Good luck! I really enjoyed listening to you. 6 months from now you will be on a national show!- Hopefully back in this market.
Good luck. My morning drive won't be as interesting now. I hope that you land locally, but I am sure that there is some kind of contract stipulation to prevent that. The sports replacement really sucks.
I'm somewhat puzzled about Pat's position being "eliminated"? So will we have dead air in his place? Something isn't right here, and listening to that sports "jock" this morning was distressing to say the least, and had me going "up the dial". How do you eliminate your morning drive-time anchor?
Pat - I will miss you! Good luck to you and your family.
Pat you are my favorite host on WFLA. Now I have to listen to WDBO. Best of luck to you. Make sure you let us know were you go so I can catch your pod cast. I think you have a ton of potential and will one day be nation wide.
What happened? I woke up this morning to here sports talk. It took a few minutes to realize no PC. I had to switch over to the other station repeating the same news every 20 minutes.
What!? Just like that?!!! what the hell is going on that sport talk is dominating radio!? this sucks that we won't have pertinent issues and informed information to start our days. Pat you are missed! the rest of the dial is either geriatric based or sermons. thank you Pat for keeping me aware of what's goin on in the world and in our local community. good luck my friend.
WTF? Now we have to listen to this Sports guy in the morning? WTF?
What happened Pat? Contract dispute or something?
I'll tell you one thing, my mornings are going to SUCK now on the way to work. Your show was the only one in the mornings that actually made me think and wake me up.
I WONT be listening to Silio in the morning that is for sure. Sports are not my thing, if they were I would be listening to 740 the team.
Huge Loss for Clear Channel Orlando and a BIGGER loss for Orlando in general.
Wish you the best Pat.
I'll keep posted onto to your blog to keep tabs on your perspective of things.
I have my own blog as well. wwww.newsandviewsmyway.blogspot.com
For several years I've listened to talk radio during my morning and afternoon commutes to and from work. Unfortunately it looks like I discovered you a bit too late. I found your command of the local and national topics to be well informed and researched. I am quite sure that you will be finding yourself a better home very, very soon. You're an exceptional commentator.
Pat, sorry to hear you go. You did a great job and I wish you the best of luck in the future. It sucks that they replaced you with a lame sports show, but the joke will be on 540, once they see how many people slide up the dial to listen to the news guy. Stay true to your self and your next gig will be even bigger. God Bless.
We are really sorry that Clear Channel has made this business decision. We listened religiously on our way to work every morning but just can't hack the sports talk. Although the rest of the day seems secure for now, our morning option will have to go somewhere else on the dial. Best of luck, Pat. You are a gift to the lucky venue that picks you up.
Pat - wherefore art thou??? Were you a victim of the corporate decision makers? I am very dissapointed, and will be listening to WDBO in the mornings!!
You are already greatly missed. I literally have nothing to listen to now during my morning drive time. I don't know what they were thinking in replacing a local talk show host with a show that discussed real issues with a guy that does nothing but talk football all morning. Someone else a ClearChannel needs to lose their job for making this bonehead decision. Sileo SUCKS!
Sure sorry to see you go Pat. Enjoyed your show every morning. 540 made a big mistake.
BJS - Orlando
I was really disappointed when I learned today that you were gone. I will miss you. I wish you the best.
you will be missed!
not a big football fan..guess its 580 for me till glenn comes on
i imagine you cannot elaborate on the circumstances, but was it a coment made yesterday?things happend prettty abruptly..and i just dont remember anyything that inflamitory..but i wish you well
you have almost become a friend in the am and it is strange without you ranting on my radio 1st thing in the am about all the rants i have....good luck pat...and again.you will be missed
Pat? What the...
I turn on the radio this morning and all I hear is some moron prattling on about garbage, er, I mean sports...
Now I see you're gone. What a drag. I just wanted to say I've been listening since you took over from Shannon, and I've enjoyed your show.
540 just lost a listener. At least the idiots on 580 occasionally speak about something relevant to the real world, unlike useless sports "news" or the puerile garbage on the FM station we won't mention.
Take care, brother... Here's wishing you the best of luck in future.
Pat - I'm shocked!!!!!! You were part of my morning routine - you were the fourth person in the car every morning for the school run. I wish you all the best for the future. Any plans?
Pat,That really sucks. What happened? How could Clear channel do this? I will never listen to the again. Where are you going to go? I already miss you.
It is apparent that the homosexual community has an iron grip on the media.Everything that you said about AIDS was correct. But truth tellers will be punished.Grace and courage to those who are doing good, and confusion to those who are doing evil.
That really stinks! You will be missed.
Sometimes ya gotta wonder where Program Directors get their ideas from. I was at a loss today when I did not hear your voice, and further dismayed when I clicked the FLA website on this morning...TRAMP STAMPS? Wet T-shirt and Bikini Pics? Escort Trading Cards? If I wanted soft porn to look at, there are thousands of websites I could go to other than WFLA's homepage!
What brainiac at WFLA thought an internet-based, spare-room in-my-house sports braodcaster wanna-be with soft-porn links on his site, would actually increase listenership on your station leading into Glenn Beck? Gimme a brake!
Clear Channel already has pseudo-sports casting on your sister station 740. What the hell are they thinking in Maitland theses days?
Perry Norflus,
Winter Park
Sometimes ya gotta wonder where Program Directors get their ideas from. I was at a loss today when I did not hear your voice, and further dismayed when I clicked the FLA website on this morning...TRAMP STAMPS? Wet T-shirt and Bikini Pics? Escort Trading Cards? If I wanted soft porn to look at, there are thousands of websites I could go to other than WFLA's homepage!
What brainiac at WFLA thought an internet-based, spare-room in-my-house sports broadcaster wanna-be with soft-porn links on his site, would actually increase listenership on your station leading into Glenn Beck? Gimme a brake!
Clear Channel already has pseudo-sports casting on your sister station 740. What the hell are they thinking in Maitland theses days?
Perry Norflus,
Winter Park
Sometimes ya gotta wonder where Program Directors get their ideas from. I was at a loss today when I did not hear your voice, and further dismayed when I clicked the FLA website on this morning...TRAMP STAMPS? Wet T-shirt and Bikini Pics? Escort Trading Cards? If I wanted soft porn to look at, there are thousands of websites I could go to other than WFLA's homepage!
What brainiac at WFLA thought an internet-based, spare-room in-my-house sports braodcaster wanna-be with soft-porn links on his site, would actually increase listenership on your station leading into Glenn Beck? Gimme a brake!
Clear Channel already has pseudo-sports casting on your sister station 740. What the hell are they thinking in Maitland theses days?
Perry Norflus,
Winter Park
Sorry to hear you go...I listened every morning that you were on. I missed you on the dial this morning and, frankly, will change my dial considering the new alternative.
I wish you and yours the best.
This truly sucks. The new host Dan Sileo is horrible. I do not know why your show was eliminated, but it was a HUGE dissapointment on my way to work this morning. You will be sorely missed PC
Gee Pat, I guess you just didn't think positively enough about your show. Perhaps if you had devoted more time to 'The Secret' things would have been different.
I couldn't belive it when I heard Dan Sileo on 540 this morning. What a waste! In typical Orlando fashion, someone who shows any form of intelligence, whether in agreement or not, is eliminated. In addition, the fact that you were not allowed to even say goodbye to your audience is a disgrace. They could have at least left a link to your blog on their website for a while. I had to google for it since I always linked to it via the 540 web site. If I wanted to hear Dan Sileo, I could just go to 740. I won't be listening to either.
Pat, What the H*** is going on? Did you do what was asked of you and got fired for it? I loved your show. Now we have a choice of sports talk or the old guys. Not a great way to run a NEW TALK radio station. Please post where you are going next so I can catch you on the web.
Hi Pat. Who is going to give us our local update in the mornings? I live in Lakeland and listen almost every morning. You will be missed. I am going to miss the litte updates about your family, and where is Rob? I know you and your family will be successful at whatever you choose to do. Thank you for the many insperational show you had with the different guest. May God Bless you. Marcia.
Hi, Pat -
I am very surprised by the change at 540. I much prefer you than some hack sports guy in the mornings. I guess I just have to find another station for the mornings. Sorry to see you go. I hope you find an even better gig.
All the best.
Pat, I was shocked and dismayed to turn on your program this morning and hear some stupid sports show. I don't know just what happened, but you will land on your feet because YOU have great talent. It was a pleasure and honor to have listened faithfully to you since the day you arrived in Florida. What a jolt at Christmas, but you are so good that I am sure you will land in just the right spot for you very soon. Merry Christmas to you and your wife and wonderful family. WFLA made a major mistake. I wrote to Tom Benson and told him so. I wish for you successes far surpassing WFLA. God speed my radio friend.
Karen in Auburndale
I can't believe you are gone.What were they thinking? I was shocked to find some sports jockey in your place this morning. I stopped listening to 580 WDBO and began listening to 540 WFLF because of you. I left a message for the program director and let him know what Little ole me thought but he hasn't called me back. Surprise Suprise. I guess I'll have to move a little right on the dial again. We will miss you.
What's up with the quick change? I'm really going to miss my PC in the mornings as I drive from Port Orange to Deltona. I think 540 WFLA owes us an explanation!
Doug King
Dear Pat
Sorry to see you go. I listened every morning from 6 to 9. Please let me know when you find a new postion.
Loyal friend, Bill
We'll miss you Pat. Now I have to go back to listening to the geezers for my Orlando morning drive.
Sorry to see you go, Pat. Good luck in your next position!
Well this is sure a sad day for Orlando talk radio. You will be sorely, sorely missed Pat. I loved every minute.
- Ben
How long until the Bud Man gets the axe?
Pat, not having you there on the radio this morning was like losing a good friend. I am one of your listeners who was faithful almost every day since your arrival.
I wish you the best in the future. You are just too good for a market of this size.
I wrote to Tom Benson and told him how bad a sports show that eary in the morning stinks! It is awful
I am sorry about whatever happened in your case, but wish you nothing but good in the future. I am sure you will be successful no matter where you work.
My thoughts are with you and your wonderful family especially during this Holiday time. What a bummer!
Hope I get the chance to listen to you again on the dial somewhere in this market.
Bye bye and God Bless you.
Karen in Auburndale
I'll miss you during my commute from Orlando to Tampa! Best of luck.
Hey Pat,
You will be missed, We both arrived in Orlando about the same time and the fact I'm from the Ohio Valley, must have been why I understand where your comming from. I don't know what happened, but I think they made a big mistake. I listen to get the issues of what's happening in the world, not to listen about a lot of sports carp, about people who make way too much money for playing a game. I don't always agree with you. but isn't that the point. to hear alteritive veiw's, and then make up your mind.
In closing I would like to wish you and your family the best, and may God continue to bless you in your life.
Dennis Thrush.
I am sure that you will land on you feet, because they can't keep a good man down!
It seems to be a pattern with Clear Channel to get rid of personalities without giving them a chance to say goodbye. At least that has been my listening experience locally in western North Carolina.
Please keep blogging!
Anyone have an email to contact the Dumb A$$ program director for this move. WTF am I supposed to listen to in the Morning now?
WTF is a Silio anyway?
Some sort of Contact to Clear Channel or something. Email, Fax, Phone Mail? Anything?
Lets make an impact and get PAT BACK!
I will miss your commentary each morning. I've been listening since Shannon and appreciated your time with us as I predicted a larger market would take you away. I never imagined we'd lose you this way. What a shame. You are top notch and I know better things are in store for you. Please keep in contact so we can congratulate you when that happens. All the best to you and your family.
Merry Christmas-
Sure going to miss you. Now I'll have to listen to Occifer Jim on that other station. I sure won't be listening to your replacement. I don't care about sports at 6:00AM to 9:00AM. Let alone even Doctor Laura, they had on at one time.. AM 540 is regressing. They need to replace some management.
You deserve better than a "rinky dink" AM radio station anyway. Possibly, MSNBC will replace Kieth Oberman with something other than Bill Orielly bashing. That would be an ideal spot for you withe some intelligent discussions.
Best of luck. Remember, there is no way but up!
PC.......I knew Monday's show was hard-hitting enuf to get some people real mad at you, however, did'nt think it would'nt get iron out right after your show. You're lucky they let you finish the show. It was the 47 yr-old woman who probably pushed it over the top. Don't get played the next time, good luck!
You need to market yourself to AM 580. There is nothing worth listening to on that station between 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM. Give AM 540 some competition for ratings. Maybe AM 540 or Clear Channel will dump Tom Benson, or whatever his name is.
You will be missed. Sorry this had to happen to you. My prayers are with your family as you transition. But with your drive & ambition, you'll come out on top!
This quote statement from PC's blog concerns me:
"It's being driven by a format change at one of the other stations, 740 The Team, in the Clear Channel cluster. 740 will become a Hispanic format. As a result the sports jocks have been moved to 540WFLA."
How may other shows on the current lineup will be axed for sports talk? I'm now concerned for the Bud man. =(
Pat -- We are truly going to miss you and your terrific show in Orlando. Clear Channel needs to stop messing with a successful formula. Just more catering and pandering to the new, not so silent, minority. I wish you and your family the best. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, if you can. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. P.S. How will we get our weekly report from Iraq with the Colonel?
May Clear Channel experience Murphy's Law.
Doug King
Dear PC:
This can only mean one thing...you are going national. I have always enjoyed your program...and your style. I wish you all the best.
Loyal Listenter In "Fashionable" WP
Pat, I've been a listner ever since you took over the morning spot from Shannon Burke. I didn;t find this blog right away so I sent the below email to the 540WFLA Program Director and the Marketing Director. It said,
"This morning, I was surprised to hear a sports show in place of the Pat Campbell Show this morning. I’ve been listening to Pat since he took over for Shannon Burke and really enjoyed listening in the mornings. I have tried to find something, anything, on the WFLA website explaining what’s going on with no success. Pat did a great job in the mornings. I can’t believe he was replaced by a sports show of all things which there’s not even a chance I’ll listen to. I love 540 WFLA for your other programs: Glenn, Rush, Bud, & Mike Gallagher, but it looks like I’ll be moving over to 580 for my morning drive. I hope enough other listeners tell you the same thing that you’ll bring back Pat. Or if it was his decision to leave, then at least consider filling the spot with another conservative political commentator. Sports talk is the most god-awful radio there is.
From your message, apparenlty it was quick and unexpected. I sure hope you stay in the business in Orlando or somewhere. You're really good at this and your principle-led voice is needed out there fighting the good fight. I wish you the best. Tony S.
I am shocked like the rest. I, too, have been listening to you from the beginning and have been a big fan (even to the point of plugging the show to co-workers.)
Putting a UM fanatic on a station that claims to be the "Gator Nation Station" -- Not a smart move! (That is all I needed to hear from him.)
I wish you and your family all of the best, PC. I am hoping you reappear somewhere in Orlando soon.
We will miss your great perspectives. Well at least we learned that James from Lakeland really loved you all along!!
It is not going to be the same for me in the morning, not being able to listen to you while at work. I wish you and your family only the best. Clear Channel made a huge mistake letting you go!!!!
Take Care!!
St. Cloud
I'm a Brevard County listener. Been with you since you replaced Shannon. It is a shame to see you go. As so many have already said, you brought so much to our mornings: a clear-headed conservative voice to get the day going. You made my drive to work enjoyable! You will truly be missed.
Aside from the already stated reasons, the other thing that sucks about this whole deal is you're out the door so that all the illegal immigrants in our community can listen to La Bamba! What an outrage!
Like Savage says, "Borders, Language, Culture". The sad part is we’re losing our Borders, Language, and Culture not because they’re taking it, but because we’re giving it away.
This is truly a sad day for me personally. Take care Pat, God Bless, and hopefully you can find another radio home in Orlando.
P.S. That they decided to replace you with a Sports guy is bad enough, but that they replaced you with some knuckle dragger who is just wasting 50,000 watts of power to spew a bunch of meaningless pap, only adds insult to injury!
What a shame! My drive this morning sucked! I also sent an email to Tom Benson. What will I listen to now? Best of luck and God bless you and your family.
Dina Walker
I'm a Brevard County listener. Been with you since you replaced Shannon. It is a shame to see you go. As so many have already said, you brought so much to our mornings: a clear-headed conservative voice to get the day going. You made my drive to work enjoyable! You will truly be missed.
Aside from the already stated reasons, the other thing that sucks about this whole deal is you're out the door so that all the illegal immigrants in our community can listen to La Bamba! What an outrage!
Like Savage says, "Borders, Language, Culture". The sad part is we’re losing our Borders, Language, and Culture not because they’re taking it, but because we’re giving it away.
This is truly a sad day for me personally. Take care Pat, God Bless, and hopefully you can find another radio home in Orlando.
P.S. That they decided to replace you with a Sports guy is bad enough, but that they replaced you with some knuckle dragger who is just wasting 50,000 watts of power to spew a bunch of meaningless pap, only adds insult to injury!
Pat, what idiot replaced you with some jerk with a soft-porn web site?
You were the best of my morning commute!
Fortunately I found the Bill Bennet Show on Sirius as an alternative. (I could only take this new guy for 10 minutes before I started channel surfing. 540 on my preference buttons has now been re-programed. I have also written to al your sponsers infroming them I will no longer support their products and services.
My other question: is Bud next?
Good Luck keep us informed maybe tv is your next step. Thanks for your contribution to Orlando.
I was shocked to hear some sports talk yesterday morning and now I have discovered you are off the air,no explanation. I will miss you, and hope you'll still look to be on radio where a voice of truth and reason can still be heard.
Louis Palmer
Pat, what a hit in the head! Woke up Tuesday morning expecting to start my blood surging in preparation for facing the daily grind, and instead I hear some "Jock" talking about FOOTBALL. Which one of the brilliant "guys-with-ties" made this totally ridiculous decision. It just proves once again, that not all "College Graduates" should be left alone with "sharp" objects.
This Sports Talk Show stinks (with a capitol S), but then again....X-Jocks think the only thing that is important to the world is sports, sports and more sports. If I want to know about whose ball is bigger, I'll tune in to that "OTHER STATION".
Loved your banter. Didn't always agree with you, but you always made it interesting, and gave me something to think about. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.
My condolences to WFLA... having their heads in such a "small dark place" must be very painful for them.
It is apparent that the homosexual community here in Orlando didn't like the facts that you said about AIDS was correct. I too was surprised to hear of all things some sports jock this morning. I listened to you every morning on my drive to work and on the live stream on the computer. You made people think and look at the other side of issues. You will be sadly missed. And whom ever the program director is for WFLA should resign. We want you back Pat! I hope that you can court another station here in Orlando to pick you up and put you on the morning show. Until then I will find some other station to listen to from 6:00 AM till 9:00 AM. Good luck Pat.
Have to agree with Bubbles: "Didn't always agree with you, but you always made it interesting, and gave me something to think about."
I hate the thought of your replacement. I LOVE sports, but hate the hype surrounding the sports/entertainment industry. It also stinks the way they dumped you w/o warning!
I was surprised that other comments (except from ron_in-viera) did not mention that the main reason for your replacement all boils down to illegal immigration.
It is ludicrous that someone finds it necessary to accommodate people who want to live in our country, but who won't absorb our language and culture. Instead they make it more convenient for them to disregard our culture by giving them their own station.
Since the Hispanics have to be accommodated, the sports guy got bumped. Now the sports crowd has to be pacified. So who cares what the majority of English-speaking AM listeners want? 540 probably believes they won't lose us because of Beck, Limbaugh, & Bud.
But they've lost me... Since I'm in Lakeland, I'll just catch Beck & Limbaugh on 1430 (Lakeland) or 970 (Tampa).
Hello Pat,
I too have been a listener from the beginning, pre-Shannon Burke. No longer. I have nothing against sports talk but it doesnt fit the format. People who want that are listening to the sports talk stations. This is undoubtedly a politically correct move on the part of WFLA management. I have lost so much respect for this station and it's management. I will find other venues to catch Glenn, Rush and the others, although I wont punish Bud by not listening to him. Maybe he will be next. This makes you wonder how people get into major decision-making positions when they are so little minded, as is the person who made this decision. Good luck and keep your faith. What the wicked one means for evil, God will use for good.
Joe in Brevard
740 will become a Hispanic format... I didn't even know there was a channel 740 on my AM radio. Why they don't pipe in a radio station from San Juan PR, to pacify these people that refuse to assimilate into America, and leave the norm alone baffles me. It is a true invasion, and not just from Mexico.
Well Pat.. Looks like the writing is on the wall. There are no viable candidates for President now, neither Democrat nor Republican. It is time for you to throw your hat in the ring as the Independent Presidential candidate. They can slide Tom Tancredo over a little at the debates, and make you one of the bookends. Go for it Pat. It is meant to be! The timing is perfect. Pack up your van now, and head on out to Iowa. There is still time to save the country from the liberal Democrats and liberal Republican candidates! Put on your special Catholic underwear, and get moving! Announce your candidacy Saturday morning on Fox and Friends. On Dancer, on Prancer... however that goes.. May the force be with you.
Say it ain't so, Pat! I loved your commentary in the AM on my drive to work! I hope you land another radio jig soon!
Cheers, Ronbo
Another Hispanic Station????
Just what this area needs!!!
Have any of you heard how many Hispanic stations there are on the AM dial while searching for another station???
I spoke with Tom Benson and I can tell you, he is not thrilled with these changes either.
I am now listening to 580, yes it is BORING, but the good thing is that now I can get up earlier and not have to "wait until the next segment is over".
I keep thinking of when Dr Laura was replaced by Mike Gallager and all Pat kept saying was that the station wanted to be "consistant" with it's programing. Right, famous last words...
First the GATORS Football and Basketball then the arrival of a couple of sport guys, what next? Not very "consistant" to me.
Are we to loose Bud then Glenn followed by Rush??
Maybe if they can learn to speak Spanish and do their respective shows to the Hispanics, who this country seems to be catering to these days, they also will be safe from the Clear Channel Axes.
We can't forget that the Oldies channel was replaced by the Hispanics as well on the FM dial.
I switched to 580 and guess what? I really like that Neal Bortz guy.
I can't be bothered with changing channels all day so...
Adios Clear Channel, Ola WDBO....
the last thing i want to listen to in the morning is SPORTS. I have a long commute from Cocoa to Orlando every morning... I listened to your show faithfully every day..
What will I listen to now??
Whew! The smell of the locker room instead of our PC!
We'll be looking for a real person instead of a jock when the radio goes on at 6 a.m.
Know you and yours are in our prayers!
WFLA's loss (really DUMB move on their part)!
So sorry to hear about your departure. I always enjoyed our mornings together. You educated and informed us. You will be missed.
I emailed Tom Benson Of course, I received back a canned response.
Best of luck to you.
a note of appreciation and a pat for pat!
hello Pat,
It took a liitle bit of GOGGLE searching to find this address..
GLad I did..
I wanted to just drop a note..
I was a faithful listener for about 2 years now..
I work at Disney World.. I have to be there at 6:15 every morning.. I
drive from downtown Orlando,leaving at 5:30.
I say this because I only got to hear the beginning of your show.. I
have to tell you, you opened my life up. and you gave me many new
thoughts of the "WAY things really are" .. war wise, local
I appreciate all aspects and views, and your show was the best I have
ever come across. TOP NOTCH.. CLEAR CHANNEL is crazy.
I am a gay man.. And I say that because of this.. I am a gay man with
enough of a brain to know that my sexual whatever is a part of me that
is just that "a part of me" .. it's personal.. I never totally agreed
with things you may have said. Just like you may not agree with my
personal orientation.. I do not live my life by my sexuality
though.The point is this!
I respect you so much because I think you are one of the most honest
personalities I have ever heard on RADIO..
and I listen to a lot of talk radio..
Orlando is going to be hurting if you leave town..I hope someone picks
you up.. Or please DO a podcast on the internet! ( I Tell You)
Clear channel has made some stupid decisions, and I have no problems
being so blunt there..
I am bummed that I will not be hearing you in the morning..
Plus you really gave good laughs too.... A perfect (before coffee)
show.... thoughtful, funny, and good traveling company.
Pat!. Mr. Campbell!
I hope you will find the courage to face this situation, with all the
POWER that you possess..
I tell you you are an inspiration just for the knowledge and the
convictions that you have no problem in expressing.. when you truly
believe in something.. If only all men (and I mean that as HUMAN
kind),would be as TRUTHFUL in life..
I commend you on the job you have done., I wish you only the best in
all your personal and professional future..
thanks for reading all this...
be strong. buddy.............
Frankie Messina
From "Nicole from Sanford"
(and no I'm not dieting for a show! After two wins in professional fitness competitions, I'm in the off season now!)
So now the truth comes out....Hispanic format coming to AM Clear Channel. So why didn't Clear Channel come clean and tell us they were bending over and taking it from the Hispanics? They should be proud of their business decisions, not hide from them and make everyone think YOU did something wrong to get fired.
Dan Silio is a pig. I kept flipping back to 540 from Jim Turner, the guy with the personality of a rock, during commercials today and every time Silio was talking about how the pedophile female teacher is hot, that some football players wife was hot, that the chicks at Winghouse are hot....just ridiculous. I don't understand how he even has a job. Mumbles something fierce.
I'm looking forward to seeing you move to another station, most likely somewhere else in the country that has an internet feed. You are good, so you will always have work. And you aren't far from syndication quality.
We love you Pat, and we're pissed. But we'll follow you. Hell hath no fury like a conservative scorned.
-Nicole from Sanford
Orlando Huckabee Meetup (dot com)
I'm really sad to see you go, especially the way Tom "Baby Penis" Benson went about this. Not only did this guy replace the next big national talk personality, but they replaced you with some sports jackass who's a Miami fan in Gator country!
Pat, best of luck in your next endevour and I am positive you'll become a well known national host.
740 going Espagnol is just one more reason to pack up and move out of this Orlando. They did you a favor.
Good luck pat, Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Pat - you were a good replacement of Shannon Burke who was a chameleon host. What is AM540 thinking? To me your skill in providing relevant commentary on current local and national news and culture was excellent and you could easily hold your own at a national level. Do not move on and become a blow-hard like Burke did when he left, or become some kind of goofy clown just to get an audience. Stick with what you are or how you presented yourself these past couple years and find a spot someplace where we can lisen to you again. I am highly disappointed in AM540 for not having a transition period or including us listeners in their "new direction". In fact I will just stream from other stations from now on and cancel my association with AM540 from this point forward. DO YOU HEAR THIS 540???
Thanks for being a morning friend
AM 540 Sucks!
Pat...I'm sorry to see you go...I didn't always agree with you and had left listening to you a few times but because I missed you and no one else was as interesting as you I always came back. You seem open to admit when you've done or said something wrong. I admired that. Again I can't believe because they are putting a Latin program station on, that it should affect you. I moved from El Paso, Texas and San Diego, CA. thinking I was getting away from all that.
I thought affirmative action had seen it's day.
It really is the Radio Station's lost. I know bigger and better is out there for you.
Good Luck....ViolaFlow
Clear Channel is strictly a business. Whatever they can make the most money on, that's where they'll go. Capitalism at its finest and coldest. I think they made a very wrong move not to keep you. Very wrong. But Clear Channel rarely does something that I'm in favor of.
I personally hate sports, and I find 580 to be just as boring as you always said they are. Now I have nothing of substance to listen to in the morning drive. What a drag!!!!
God bless, Pat. As they say, one door closes, another opens. You are far too talented to be unemployed for long!! Hope to hear you again on the airwaves SOON!
Pat I always thought of you as a real person not just trying to make money but to make a difference your heart was in every show. After you emailed me back it just confirmed that you are real and again you will be missed. One of the things I learned from you is to think positive and that everything happens for a reason so I am thinking a big gig in your real near future something that you have expected but will now happen. Good luck to you and your family you are GREAT at what you do.
Too bad. Now I have nothing to listen to other than NPR (liberal) and 580 (news loop).
Pat, let me come clean here by saying that I was never your biggest fan. That having been said, what you provided for tens of thousands of listeners was a place to go to in the morning(YES, INCLUDING ME). Now there is no place to set our dial. WHAT MONUMENTAL IDIOT at CLEARCHANNEL decided that the way to go was with SPORTS TALK???? This is why I HATE the radio industry, because this is what they do all the time ... when they decide it's time to get rid of one of their on-air personalities, they simply MAKE HIM DISAPPEAR and remove any mention of him on their station's website ... as if they never existed( I wonder if even the BudMan is allowed to actually mention you by name on the air now ?). ... And we're supposed to simply accept all of this, and worse yet, SWALLOW this new SPORTS FORMAT, as if nothing happened? The guy at CLEARCHANNEL who made this so-called "genious" business decision should be run out of town on a rail( and I don't mean LIGHTRAIL )! JIM TURNER is really not an option for many of us listeners, BUT, I WILL say this for WDBO, at least they stick with their morning guy for .. what, 30 PLUS YEARS? Now there's an example of a SOUND BUSINESS DECISION, not to mention showing loyalty to, not only the on-air personality, but to the listeners as well. WFLA could learn a few things from WDBO, like NOT leaving their tens of thousands of listeners JUST HANGING and TWISTING in the WIND, with NO OPTIONS left as a morning radio listener. I wonder if the BUDMAN is now looking over HIS shoulder, wondering when the ax will fall on HIS head? Pat, forgive me for going on and on about this, but I guess I am taking this whole thing a little bit personally, since I am also facing my own lay-off from my job of 7 years, effective January 1st. Listen Pat, you've made alot of really good contacts in the national media during your time here, so go make the most of it. ... And I encourage everyone out there to pray for PAT and his FAMILY!! God Bless You, Pat. ..... So, let's review: CLEARCHANNEL equals MONUMENTAL IDIOTS & FOOLS .. and, ... WFLA MANAGEMENT is composed of DISLOYAL COWARDS( it's their disloyalty to their listeners, who have been SO LOYAL to WFLA, that enrages me the most ).
Thanks for the time you spent with us. I truly hope someone locally will pick you up (at the same time). I did not always agree with you but your show sure beats the S__T out of what is on now!!!
On my way now to the other channel full time. Hope to see you there!
Mike H. in Kissimmee
Oh.. Now it's just not going to be a hispanic station. It will be a Mexican radio station, catering to our illegal immigrant population. Why not welcome them with open arms... so more of them want to come here with fake ID's and stealing identities of American's. We should be boycotting Clear Channel like some of us are boycotting Bank of America, and Citgo gas. I just love paying my taxes to educate and provide health care for these people. Now their own AM channel, to lure them over the border. Sorry Bud H., I'm shutting you off and switching to Shawn Hannity in protest. I'll watch Glenn Beck on TV, and listen to Neil Boortz during his morning radio show instead. Bye, bye AM540 WFLA.
You are truly missed
Gonna Miss you.
I hope Fox picks you up.
Keep it honest and you'll go far
The first 105 comments said everything which came to my mind: stupid programming decision; pandering to Hispanic dollars; seal the border; exile Benson to Mexico; Silio and his ilk are knuckledraggers (though I suspect they're not real thrilled with this change either); etc.
I abandoned your blog after you made it clear with your "anonymous" comments that you didn't want me around, but I continued to listen when able to do so. Yes, I will miss you. Good bye Pat, hello Bill Bennet.
It's a sad day. Here is the Email I sent Tom Benson:
I could not believe my ears this morning when I turned on my car radio. What a disappointment. From PC to some idiot trying to talk about sports. That's mistake # 1. Mistake # 2 is (if I'm being informed right) turning 740 into a Spanish station? If this is correct I am really disappointed. One of this countries major problems is with illegal immigration and the Spanish culture as a whole. The Mexican and Spanish people want to come to this country, but they do not want to assimilate. That is the difference between the immigration that made this country what it is and the immigration that is dividing this country today. The majority of the Spanish speaking people do not want to learn the English language. And really why should they with the government, media, and corporate America bending over backwards to cater to there every desire. The immigrants that helped build this country, came to America. They kept their culture, but they learned the English language and assimilated with the American culture, helping to unite everyone as Americans. The sad thing is that that attitude is not being embraced by most of the Mexican and Spanish immigrants today. And without that attitude we will sink deeper and deeper into a fractured America. I get so irritated when I go into my local Wal-Mart. Trying to get someone to help me that can speak English and knows what I'm talking about is common. I feel like I'm in another country. So go ahead and turn 740 into a Spanish station! But just remember that it's just one more wedge that's keeping this country divided. But of course the all mighty dollar means more than the concerns of this country. This you have shown with both of your above mentioned mistakes.
Richard Simo
Please keep this blog going and let us know where you surface. Hopefully it's within the area but if not make sure you can stream.
Looking forward to hearing from you in the future.
Richard from Davenport
clear channel is scum. while i never really liked your position on most subjects - beginning with your fantasy support of boy george's story about 911 but you did put on a good radio show and clear channel is scum to fire someone with 6 kids at christmas time - go republican party! way to go family values. good luck pat, i know you will do well
Pat--I'm really sorry to see you go. This change really sucks! The new sports thing is the last thing I want to hear while driving to work. The Thursday reports live from Bagdad were the best. You were honest without the Hype and hard sell of even otherslike the Bud man. I wish you the best for you and your family.I'll be praying for you and I hope you actually move up rather than out. God Bless! Ken Corlew
They chose bud h. over you????? he's the that should have been tossed out...Anyways, please let us know where you land, which will be on your feet. GOD bless. you will be missed
Wow, what a mistake 540 has made. I really appreciated your show in the morning! I'm a non-athletic woman listener and have no interest in the new format. 540 has lost a listener. Thanks for the GREAT shows Pat! God bless you in your next endeavor. Hopefully it's on the radio, in Orlando, in the morning on some other channel!
if yo udon't end up on another o-town station i hope you end up on sirius so i can still listen to you in the car
Tom Benson got to read this from me this morning:
The decision to do away with the Pat Campbell morning show was ill-advised at best, and at worst likely a huge corporate blunder. Not only was Pat the best local talent Orlando had (yes, better than Bud, Mr. Turner, and Shannon), but his national exposure on shows like Fox and Friends no doubt drew attention to the overall listenership of 540 WFLA.
I fully expect Clear Channel to see the error of its ways eventually, but when that time comes it will be too late. This corporate rush to cater to the Hispanic market will no doubt cost you listeners to 540 and will ultimately backfire, I believe. As you have no doubt seen the backlash in national politics, the same will hold true here. Whether one offsets the other is only a gamble at this point. Based on the blog traffic I read, your move to Dan Sileo and sports in the morning is a poor fit for your station. Soon, Pat will have moved on to greater things, and the Orlando listening audience will be the losers.
For my part, I see no need to give blessing to this move by listening any longer during my morning commute. It will be something else "up the dial", or music CDs of my choosing. There is little else to offer me in morning radio here in Orlando. Pat Campbell was the lone bright spot. I'll catch Glenn Beck on the web from an alternate location, I'll catch Rush out of Chicago as I've done in the past, and Bud doesn't hold a candle to Hannity in the afternoon. So you see, my need for 540 in the world of endless media access was just reduced to zero.
But hey, good luck to you anyway. You'll need it.
I guess it's ADIOS MUCHACHO!
Pat, I wish you the very best in whatever God has in store for you. My hope is that you stay local, and put 540 to shame in the process. The cowardly manner in which this was all handled says much about the management of 540 and their regard for their listenership. God bless you and your family this Christmas season and beyond.
Please let us know where you land.
Sincerely, Chris in Maitland
Hey Pat,
Really miss your show. You sure kept our local politicians on their toes and exposed the corrupt ones. You have done our community a great public service by exposing the bad ones. WDBO would never do that, so they are useless.
Here's an idea, but I don't know if it is possible. Maybe you could do your morning show on AM660, which now has boring Bill Bennett as its morning host. Your show on AM660 would sure rachet up their ratings.
I'm so sorry to hear about this sudden change. I have always thoroughly enjoyed your show and will look forward to finding you on the dial wherever you go.
Just figured out I can catch Rush Glenn on my wireless laptop in the car and I can even get Bill Bennett in the A.M on the way to work! oh well... I am unhooked from the station and will remain so from now on. The sports jock can talk into the empty air space cause that is all that is going to be left for 540 between 6-9
I have been a faithful listner and consumer of your advertiser's products only because I trusted your hosts like PC. Also the ability to call in and respond to the subjects that are talked abouted. I will now only listen to Coast to Coast. Also the last thing I want to hear is some harsh sounding voice talking about sports the first thing in the morning. I will be contacting the assministrators at 540 to let them know how displeased I am. Losing Pat in the morning is like the lost of a friend and the format like the 3 things to know before going to work. And the funny talk between him and Rob was hilarious. I also will contact advertisers like Purina One and let them know that I choose their dog food for one dog and six puppies because PC said so. My Radio dail has not moved in 6 years. Pat instead of Bud is a slap in the face to all intelligent listeners.
Heh Pat, why don't you start up your own internet show like that "Hal Turner show" guy. You can broadcast from your home ("From the Mansion" like Rush does) from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM. Than we can flip on our computers, listen, and call your mansion hotline, and bitch about everything. Who needs AM radio? Hal Turner doesn't.
pat im sorry i wont be able to ride to work hearing fro the sole voice of reason in O-town. I wish you the best and hope you will find a better gig soon. We will miss you and you brightened my ride to work......
Well just love the way they neither give the listeners nor host any notice. Sports, yeah that really has a bearing on my life. Everything is going Hispanic. If Tancredo, Hunter or Paul isn’t elected we'd better all learn to speak Spanish or leave the country. I know, I've research the issue for years and all the Dems are open borders as well as the other Reps save the three I mentioned. Good luck Pat and keep a positive attitude you're a nice guy.
You are one of America's greatest talk show hosts. That is no exaggeration. In addition to being a frequent guest on your show, I do many others. And you are the best. You are a great talent--fun, entertaining, and great to listen to. They lost a great host, and I hope you are back on the air very soon. You deserve to be. You are the consummate professional and the best at what you do.
Debbie Schlussel
Still suffering post PC withdrawl I just stumbled across something that has made my day a little brighter and want to share with other PC fans. In the I-Tunes store there are a large number of archived Pat Campbell Shows available. I know it is a small consolation and temporary "fix" but I was so happy to find these since 540 yanked his poscasts from their website on Monday.
Hi Pat and everyone,
Sports talk instead of Pat Campbell? PTOOEY. I think we should all contact the advertizers on WFLA and let them know how mad everyone is and that they are losing listeners which means they will be spending money for ads that won't be heard. I was a loyal PC listener. I even sent Pat an Email on one of his show topics and Pat read it on the air. My Email resolved a problem that many people were very upset about. This shows that Pat Campbell served a valuable purpose on the air. Below is my Email and Pat's Email back to me after the show. Pat, you should contact Glenn Beck. I bet he would hire you as a field reporter and maybe even co-host.
Our emails:
Subj: RE: Bank of America Immigrant Banking Program >
Date: 2/14/2007 7:43:51 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: pat@540wfla.com
To: ANTIGRAY@cs.com
I like the way you think! This makes good sense.
Pat Campbell
Host of The Pat Campbell Show
as heard on 540WFLA Orlando, FL
Monday thru Friday 6:00AM to 9:00AM ET
From: ANTIGRAY@cs.com [mailto:ANTIGRAY@cs.com]
Sent: Wed 2/14/2007 7:34 AM
To: Campbell, Pat (orlando)
Subject: Bank of America Immigrant Banking Program >
Dear Pat,
What Bank of America is doing by letting the illegal immigrants open checking and savings accounts and deposit their money here is nothing short of brilliant. Previously the immigrants would send all of their money to their families back in Mexico. B. of A. is getting those people to put the money into an American bank where the money can be loaned out to customers in America who need business loans and mortgages. That stimulates business and the housing industry in America. Every year billions of dollars are being sent south of the border where it doesn't do any Americans a bit of good. Mortgages for illegals are great too because it is secured by the property which also is not going south. The mortgages give the immigrants plenty of incentive to stay and pay, which makes more income for the bank, more money spent in the US for all consumer products, more income taxes for the US treasury, more money paid into Social Security, etc. It is a win-win situation. Additionally, most Mexicans are very hardworking honest family oriented people who would not try to burn the bank with credit card fraud. I bet most of those cards are debit cards anyway, where when your bank checking account funds are depleted, the card is NFG. LOL
Art Greenfield
PS- I am a retired businessman turned author and not an employee of Bank of America. I am only affiliated with B. of A. in that they are the bank where I have my checking and savings account.
PPS: I just looked it up. Latinos send 45 billion dollars south of the border every year.
Poor workers scrimp, send money home
$45 billion will be shipped back to families this year, survey says
My website is at: http://antigray.tripod.com/
Check out all the pages on the website. If you have any questions please ask.
Art Greenfield
I have been listening to you every morning since you started at 540. In my opinion, you were great. You will be sorely missed. As I am not one for "sports talk", clear channel may have just pushed me to get a sirus or xm radio. Best of luck in your new market.
With all these musicians being murdered in Mexico, there won't be any Mexican musicians left to record the new 770 AM station any current mariachi music. It'll be the Mexican oldie but goodie station, and reruns of Algore and Hillary singing "Heh Macarana...." Except maybe the guy from that Sprint commercial that advertises his local maricachi band. He better watch his back. The Mexican mafia from Apopka will get him. Than it'll be Arabic music 24/7. AiiiiiaaaaaeeeeeAAAAAA!!! and prayer breaks 6 times a day. Have to accomodate the Majority, right.. Maybe AM 540 kept Bud over PC because he is diverse and can sing. He could lip sink Spanish on the tv portion of his show. You need to take some Spanenglish lessons Pat. Diversify.. or maybe cross dress to pick up another Majority group in Orlando. You could have Rudy G. as a guest.
PC, why don't you run for Mayor of the booming metropolis of Orlando? Campaign on shutting down this stupid light rail, and cancelling the new stadium, etc. It would be nice to have someone honest running for Mayor, instead of mafia backed crooks, like we have now. You could meet Daisey L. for crumpets and tea before starting the day, to discuss building a casino in Parimore, etc. When Charlie Christ becomes the VP, you can slide into the governorship. Than think of your opportunities in 2012! Or replace Mel as Senator..
Or... you could join the Orlando Fire Dept or PD, join the union, and make over 2 to 3 times what you made on the air.
Oh My Gosh! You have got to be kidding me! Sports talk and the morning commute do not freaking go together... I am a female and don't like sports in the morning...none the less when I am PMSing! I guess I will listen to the other guys on 580 AM at least news and traffic make more sense and don't have to listen to a hung-over sports caster... Good grief are the Program Director and the Sport's guy in bed? It makes you wonder... Have they lost advertisers... What is going on? Oh, well... I did not really agree with you (Pat) many times, but you were the best in that time slot.
Good Luck and God Bless you and yours and Merry Christmas! Do not see the adversity...seize the opportunity!
Kissimmee Rico
Just wanted you to know you were the only reason my wife and I listened to 540. If we wanted to listen to Dan Sileo we could have tuned into 620 in tampa bay!! Good luck to you, your wife, and your girls. I sure hope you can get on in the central florida area in the future
Good morning Pat,
I am just a listener who enjoys your show, I don’t mean to attack Clear Channel, however I find their actions rather rude to their listeners. I don’t know what could had happened because I missed your show on Monday, but for whatever the reason, I find it extremely unprofessional, elitist, arrogant, and foolish on behalf of Clear Channel or who ever was responsible for making such a decision! without ever having the common courtesy of owing an explanation to it’s listeners. Clean Channel or someone needs to come forward and give an account to why you were released from your position.
Now I know that the station has it’s right to hire and terminate anyone whom they feel may be a threat to their institution financially or otherwise, but still must explain themselves to the very people who support them.
Pat, may I say you were always one to hold many public officials (your guest) accountable for explaining their actions as to why they did what they did. In other words you always advised them to come clean with the public and that the public would understand and we the public are forgiving and am sure you will agree with me, that what I have asked from Clear Channel I also ask of you, as a fan if there is something you need to explain or get it off you chest, as they say. Trust us your fans who love you. I feel just as the rest of your listeners do, we need some type of closure.
Love you and miss you
Sorry to see you go and sorry to see 740 The Team is going foreign. Good luck and hope to hear your again in Orlando.
I really miss your morning show. I will not listen to AM 540. Your replacement is not my "cup of tea." I believe this decision is something that the corporate executives will regret!! Although I hope you get back on the air in central Florida, it won't break my heart if Fox News offers you a job :) Your show was educational, fun, and diverse. You have a talent and I'm sure you will do well in your next career move. May you and your family have a Merry Christmas. God bless and best wishes for a successful future!!
They should've axed Bud, and moved you to the afternoon.
I will also miss your morning show. I too, have no reason to listen to 540am now.
Good luck and I do hope I hear you on the airwaves again, soon.
What a great loss for me, all your listeners and Orlando. I have been a loyal listener for years each morning. It was a great way to start the day on the way to work! Your show was like a staple of Orlando. I felt so lucky that Orlando had you, because you are national quality! Orlando is worse now without your voice and leadership each day. Sadly,now I have to listen to WDBO -- never the same. I'm sure WFLA will lose ratings over this. Hard to understand some decisions. But sometimes "what man means for evil, God means for our good". So I'm sure there is plenty of opportunity for you. God bless you and your family.
Linda in Kissimmee
Grasping for straws here.. How about a Bud and PC show. Bud can take off Friday and Monday, and visit the grandkids in NC, and work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. PC can do Friday, Monday, and odds and ends on Saturday and Sunday, and be off Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday!
Check around, something stinks, it is not just Clear Channels 540 that went sports. A number of other Clear channel stations have gone sports in the last month or so. I have just never seen ratings for sports stations anywhere near those of good conservative talk radio.
What's it all mean? I don't know, but if you want advertisers, you need ratings, if you want good ratings, you don't want sports talk.
Jim in PA
Don't waste your time writing to Tom Benson or Laura Kam they aren't the decision makers the people responsible for this decision are
they made the decision to terminate PC.
You have always been fair - I guess thats not what radio is looking for.Anyway's your in our prayers and keep the faith always your friend Chris Glock oviedo.
Stay in the way of the narrow path.
Check out pilgrims progress.Your a man after truth and that means a lot mot just to God but to us.
Keep up the good fight.
Hey Jesus wins in the end
Pat, I was saddened to see you yanked off the air and placed with an obnoxious sports hack. I cannot fathom the corporate ideology of removing a critical thinking intellectual conservative talk show host such as you and replace it with a mind numbing nitwit. This is coming from a former Washington Redskin and collegiate football player of the 1970's. You sir will be missed more then you will ever know. When I moved here from Fort Lauderdale 2 years ago, you, Glenn Beck, Rush, and Mike were high on my "MUST HEAR" list. I have enjoyed your program and you are one talented breath of fresh air. I sincerely hope you will be able to remain in Central Florida or you can get national syndication so I can hear you. I wish you and your family Godspeed for continued success!!!
You will be truly missed by many listeners that chose to start their day off by tuning you in.
I know this hurdle in your life will soon pass in good time.
I have attached my two emails that I sent to Tom Benson(Program Director).
I'm sure it speaks for many.
Good luck & thanks for your style of communication.
Monte Saint Cloud
From: Monte
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 11:10 AM
To: 'tombenson@540wfla.com'
Subject: Question
I’m sure you have received many of these questions so here it is again, “Where is Pat Campbell?”
Fired? Promotion? If there was an announced transition for this, I must have just missed it.
Just a curious listener.
Thank You!
Since I have sent this email, I have found out what happened
to Pat.
I now know that I probably won’t get a response from you on my previous email.
I do want to respond to the decision that was made.
I know there is nothing that can be said that will change anything over there, so I just want to say, enjoy your holidays and your New Year watching you ratings take
a huge dump!!!
Pat will survive and so will I just a few numbers up the dial.
Sometimes Pat you p----d me off,
sometimes you just bored me, but I can never say you didn't have an effect on me as to getting me to think about what was going on. I keep looking for you now drive to work in silence. I guess it is I pod time. Good luck Go with God
I was there from the first show you did on 540 when you demo'd against some others and loved you up until your last day. You'll be sorely missed.
God Bless and Merry Christmas - Jeff
We'll PC, I've removed AM 540 from my radio dial. I'm not flipp'n station's back and forth all day long. So I cut off Glenn Beck, and Bud H. No continuity anymore. I switched to FM, WMMO 98.9. At least I can win $1,000 at 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 5:00 PM. Also, my blood pressure is down. You know what! I actually won $1,000 on 98.9 a couple months ago. A nice lady from Cocoa called me, while I was listening to AM540, at 9:00 AM, and told me I won a $1,000 and to call WMMO within 20 minutes. So figure I might as well listen to 98.9. At least they don't have slip and fall lawyers advertising on WMMO.
You know PC... I heard there is an opening for a pizza delivery driver in Erie, PA (Parimore, Diasy's hood has an opening too..) Just might pay more than Clear Channel. Pun, pun..
I sent an email to WORL 660 telling them that they should make a hard press to take WFLA's 6-9a and 6-9p listeners that are as outraged as I am towards losing Pat and Mike. Who wants sports drivel? Not me! Good luck, Pat. You have too much talent to not land on your feet somewhere in a good market. In Orlando, we'll have to be content with seeing you occasionally on Fox until your new show goes to syndication. Tony S.
If Larry King passes away... (wishful thinking) youin's could replace him. Or Don Imus. Can't believe he is back. Who listens and watches to these bores? At least you were entertaining PC. Get any big time offers yet?
Good Luck Pat,
I've been canned at Christmas time without notice a few times in my life (once when my wife was pregnant).
You are more than talented enough to rebound quickly, but it will be our loss.
I can't stomach the mindless jocktalk and tried the old foggeys up the dial, but it won't be the same as turning on PC in the morning.
I hope you get a podcast at your new gig so I can catch you again.
Take care brother.
Well Pat it has been over a week now and it seems like months I did get my XM radio so come over to the sattelite side i have not turned on an AM or FM radio station since i got it and if clear channel program comes on I change and I let XM no that too good luck and all of us will here from you soon I know it
Thanks for all you do
I'm sorry you got caught in the Clear Channel debacle, but I guess it's the nature of this type of business. Your radio program was the highlight of my morning, well, that and my cup of coffee; nevertheless, you will be greatly missed and I pray you will find a job soon. Keep your head up and I wish you and your family well. Hope to hear you on the radio soon!!
Tim B.
Melbourne, FL
I had to change stations. I am now listening to FM. Man, I miss you. I wish you all the best. Hope to hear you soon on talk radio again. Thanks for all the good talk as I took my son to school every morning.
Fox News needs to get rid of Geraldo Rivera from the 8:00 PM slot on Saturday and Sunday. Move him over to Univision where he belongs. With all the Hispanic tv and radio stations, it's time to diversify Fox News and some other channels, into all American TV. Move these Hispanglishers who want to make US citizens out of the 14 M illegals citizens, to the viewers they represent. Now that I said that! Hire PC for that time slot on Fox News, so I have something to watch instead of blogging in the computer from 8 to 9 PM on Saturday and Sunday.
Clear Channel needs to move PC up the dial to the new Hispanic station AM 740. Hire an illegal Mexican for $5.00 an hour, to translate from English into sign language Spanish. PC you'll have to upgrade them wheels on your SUV to some 17" spinner wheels, so you got's some bling, bling...
Pat Sorry to see you Leave.I leave for a week out of State bam!!!your gone..Will miss you you spoke the truth ...you will be missed.
Hi Pat,
I went away for a family funeral, and returned to find you gone... After unburying myself from the work that accumulated during my absence, I finally had the chance to take the time to find out what happened to you...
As many, your show was the highlight of my early mornings, and you will be sorely missed. You and your family are in my prayers as you wait for the next open door...
Let us know where you land!
Lisa H.
Sorry to see you go I enjoyed listening to your thought provoking show on the way to work My car radio stays on the channel it is on the way to work its not 540 thats for sure.
Good Luck
Wow! karma is really a btch. Pat I liked your show, but you were just another demagogue like Bud, wrapping yourself with the flag and using illegal immigrants as blame for everything wrong in this country.
Do you believe now that politicians and corporations are the real American problem? Look at you! "Conservative" radio station Clear Channel just fired you so they can open space for a Spanish radio station directed to illegal immigrats. I'm fluent in spanish and can tell you that 740 is directed not to Puerto Ricans nor Cubans but to Mexicans in Florida ,which (Clear Channel knows well) 80% of them are here illegaly. Trust me when I tell you that this new stations Is going after the illegal Mexicans market (They play 24/7 Mexican music)
I still think you are special and would bet my house that you will become very successful in a near future.
Good Luck!
Pat..I go out of town, I come back and I turn on 540 to hear you and I hear some sports person on that I have never heard of. The next day comes, I do the same thing, then I get on the website to see that someone has taken the slot. Well, bad business decision because I had to shut the radio off or go up the dial. It isn't the same and I LOVE listening to you and your comments. I pray that this decision will be give you more room in the future to take you to higher levels with what you love to do. Maybe it is a good thing in disguise but I still will truly miss hearing you.
PC, crazy as this sounds I have never been more happy to hear an infomercial than today. As I was out doing my Saturday errands I stumbled upon an hour of you doing Purity products infomercials. Boy do we miss you on the radio. Hope you'll be back on somewhere soon.
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