Friday, July 25, 2008

USA's Next Führer?

Well, it has been learned that before the presumptive Democrat nominee spoke to a crowd in Berlin Thursday, two popular German acts -- reggae artist Patrice and rock band Reamonn -- entertained the gathering audience. Full Story from Newsbusters

H/T to The Schnitt Show


At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is an article about his little brother Bernard Obama, that lives in England. Photo of the family appears to be a typical "All American" family...

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what! It certainly beats watching John McCain standing in front of the cheese section in some supermarket rambling on about nothing in front of a crowd of about 20 people. What's wrong with the world liking us? I guess you like it when the whole world hates us. This has mostly come about during the last 7 years of the Bush mis-administration. I remember traveling during the mid 70's and 80's. People loved the US then. It didn't matter whether it was Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan. America was seen as a beacon of hope. Since the neo-cons started to force our system on countries who are not at all ready for it, we have become the world's great pariah.

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is another UK story about another Obama brother Mark they found living in China.

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived in Germany 1982 - 1985, as a civilian employee for the Dept of the Army, in Frankfurt, GE under Ronald Reagan's presidency. My opinion as a conservative Republican, is not what Hannity and the others conservative talk show hosts claim was a role model for the Republican party. The worst possible thing we could have done was to "tear down that wall". I saw and heard what happened after that. Crime skyrocketed, bums sleeping in the streets, and train stations, graffiti sprayed on historic monuments... and some wonder why the Germans didn't like Ronald Reagan, and think poorly of the USA. Ronald Reagan was put in office by his Democrat voters. The same people that will elect John McCain, before they would ever vote for Herr Obama..

Throw anything free in Germany, like a concert, and they will come. Some beer, wine, and wurst, and it's practice for the annual Octoberfest.

I can tell you what German's think of african americans... They have a German term for it "The smiling fool" They had signs in the bar district of Frankfurt, banning American's from entering. Come to find out, that was to keep certain American's ie: Obama types from entering, and causing trouble. Humor the smiling fools and they will go away, without causing trouble...

At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole election cycle is a sham orchestrated by the media. The media set up and selected the candidates. No one in their right mind would vote for Obama. No one in their right mind would vote for McCain... What is the master plan of the media...? It's starting to come out now in the current events news. Now after Obama's historic adventure, it's now the media, well.. let's switch to negative reporting about Obama... so we have something to talk about the next 3 months.. How about the media start presenting the news and current events, instead of directing them. I have seen all the directing I have ever wanted to see, from the liberal make-believe director's and actors from Hollywood, in the movies the last few years. What's the plan Kieth Oberman, Chris Matthews? What's in for ya'll? A free trip to Mars from the illegal alien lobby?


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