The S.F. Chronicle referred to him as
Tookie The Redeemer? I can't believe how they've elevated this thug to Christ like status. I fully expect him to rise from the dead on the 3rd day. To honor him with a statesman's funeral is to dishonor his victims and their families.
What the? ....will someone please embargo further shipments of Kool-Aid to California?
Nicole, you might as well add fried chicken to that shipment!!!
Cure for the California libs.
Tell them tookie could live if tookie can live with them in their home for the rest of his life. If tookie flys the coop then the lib get to assume room temp in place of tookie and when tookie is finally found he is put down on the spot. With that offer on the table, tookie would still be at room temp today.
That waste of space should have been dead in 1979!
Jim in PA
The Dookster shouldn't lie in state anywhere! They should let the California condor vultures pick his bones clean as far as I'm concerned.
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