Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Football Fans Want Their Own National Holiday

Would Benefit the 1.4 Million Adults Who Call in Sick the Day After the Big Game

January 2006 (Medialink) – “Play Sunday… Sleep Monday!” That’s the slogan of a group of football fans who want legislators to declare the day after the Big Game an official national holiday. The new holiday would be called DA DAY -- as in “Day After” day. This year, DA DAY would fall on February 6th.

Members of the National Academy of Persons (NAP) say declaring DA DAY a national holiday makes sense. Numbers show that there are more parties held for the Big Game than on New Year’s Eve. Then, the next day, an estimated 1.4 million employed Americans call in sick. Why not just let them sleep in?

NAP, along with the hamburger chain White Castle, is calling on football fans to visit DA DAY’s official website (www.daday.com) and sign a petition. Signatures gathered will be sent to the nation’s capital in hopes of earning national holiday recognition for DA DAY.

Why not? Americans could use a few more than our 16 national holidays. After all, the French get 30 days off a year, the British -- 28 days, and the Japanese – 25.


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