Friday, February 17, 2006


“A paucity of blacks makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention.”

– Bryant Gumbel on Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, 2.7.06

Alexandria, VA—Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement regarding Bryant Gumbel’s racist comments about the Olympics looking like a Republican Party convention due to its lack of black athletes.

“Gumbel’s remarks reek of racism and arrogance,” said Bozell. “On HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, he actually said we should ‘try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention.’ That’s racial bean-counting. It’s also morally skewed because it says that to be among the greatest athletes you have to be black.

“What if Gumbel had said ‘a paucity of whites makes the NBA look like a Democratic convention?’ Rush Limbaugh was roundly denounced by the media when he made allegedly racist remarks about a football player. So where are the media condemnations now against Gumbel?

“Judging people by race is just plain wrong. Will HBO have the temerity to – at a minimum – publicly reprimand Gumbel for his racist statements or will they cower to a has-been who has proven he can’t hold a job in network news?”


At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judging people by race is not warm and fuzzy like many people like. But often, it is an accurate tool. We are NOT all the same. If we were, so called "diversity" would not be possible.

However, as far as I am concerned, this does not take away from the fact that Gumbel is a moron and is lucky to have a job.

Jim in PA

At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Overlooked in Gumbel's racist comment is the grain of truth that athletes who compete in the Olympics do so AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. Additionally, it’s a normal occurring phenomena that you don’t see many black athletes in any of the “winter” sports. I can’t blame them. It has been years since any intelligent person has given any credence to the comments of Gumbel. Perhaps he should be more concerned about increasing the number of blacks who represent their country by enlisting in the military.

Mike in MN

At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The word in point here is "qualify" to be a member of the Olympic Team. Whether or not there are blacks in the winter olympics is proportionate to the skills they have in the varied sports. Descrimination plays no part.

As far as the summer games...the opposite is true in most of the events and you don't hear non-blacks complaining that they are being descriminated against.


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