Tuesday, May 30, 2006

PC reviews X-Men3

A non-stop, adrenaline-charged action ride. It's darker than its predecessors—as expected.

Christian producer Ralph Winter believes the movie pushes viewers to consider how we behave toward those who are different from us. "I think the issue about tolerance is how we treat each other and how we get along with people we don't quite understand or who don't quite look the way we do," he said. "How do we live together? How do we treat each other?"

That established, X-Men: The Last Stand does a better job of raising tough questions than it does answering them—which is apparently what Mr. Winter intended. "No one wants to be preached at in a movie theater," he said. "Movies that raise issues are more interesting than movies that try to give answers."

The message that every person is valuable and deserves acceptance comes through loud and clear (between explosions and dismemberments, that is). What's less clear is whether tolerance means embracing the choices other people make along the way. For the solution to the conflict those words generate, we have to turn away from the movie screen—and toward the Bible—for solid guidance.

Hat Tip to Pluggedinonline

Remember tolerance and diversity brought us 9-11.


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