Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sexual-orientation questions cause stir at high school

Parents are angry and school leaders are promising action in response to a "Heterosexual Questionnaire," approved by two teachers, that asked students questions such as: "If you have never slept with someone of your same gender, then how do you know you wouldn't prefer it?"


At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I answered the "questionaire" honeslty, and I think all it really did was point out the negatives of homosexuality and the homosexual lifestyle. Some of the paralells they tried to draw between homosexuals and heterosexuals just don't jive. Nice try though for some juvenile wanna-be PETA-loving liberals when they grow up.

Quite frankly, the parents that are shocked and offended by this should be ashamed of themselves! So what, little Bobby got a sex questionaire at a high school! I should hope he has already had a discussion about the birds and the bees with mom and dad! What is there to be soooo pissed off about. There will be a lot more things in life that come along and shock the shit out of or offend little Bobby. Stop trying to protect you children from EVERYTHING!!!! We are raising a generation that doesn't know how to react to such things anymore. When I was in high school, many, many, moons ago - I would have just tossed this peice of garbage questionaire where it belonged - in the trash. No harm, no foul!

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parents in this time in space have lost control of their children in more ways than one. It is interesting that the parents are chastised for their concern over this type of questionnaire. Geez, in my day we chose our sexuality without anyone pushing us to experience various types and then making our choice of what "felt best." Good Lord, no wonder this country is on a short track to hell. (that "hell" has NO religious relevance) This type of school interaction is assinine.

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey first idiot anonymous - the wrong part about this is if it was a questionnaire about "what haven't you tried Christianity", "if you haven't asked Jesus into your heart yet, how can you say you don't want to try it" then the ACLU would be all over it screaming and yelling. But because it's a questionnaire not related to religion, these kids should be able to do whatever they want, right????? WRONG and the parents have EVERY right to be upset. I've already told my kids that if they EVER get something like this they are to not do it, call me, and I will have EVERY laywer I can on that school's doorstep. If you're not going to allow religious talk, then there should be no ORGANIZED talk that pushes ANY agenda.

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anon idiot #3 - this is idiot #1:

Did you really stop to read your comments? What makes you any better than the ACLU if you are going to react that way to a silly questionaire? Didn't your parents teach you that two wrongs don't make a right? I agree, if students want to pass out a Christianity questionaire, shey should be able to do so! I'm not advocating homosexuality, Christianity or any other agenda other than the fact that this is AMERICA and it was founded on the fact that we can have open discussion and debate on ANYTHING! Get your head out of your ass man!

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great recruiting tool for the Sodomites. It will get people who might be sitting on the fence to come sit on their fence.


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