Sunday, May 07, 2006

This is what we are up against...

The following is an excerpt from the TimesOnline - with a link provided to the complete article below the excerpt. Everyone needs to read this account of the "punishment" given to this victim at the hands of Islamic men yelling “Allahu Akbar.” --Doug Hagmann, Director NEIN

7 May 2006: Even by the stupefying standards of Iraq’s unspeakable violence, the murder of Atwar Bahjat, one of the country’s top television journalists, was an act of exceptional cruelty. Nobody but her killers knew just how much she had suffered until a film showing her death on February 22 at the hands of two musclebound men in military uniforms emerged last week. Her family’s worst fears of what might have happened have been far exceeded by the reality. Complete TimesOnline article

Remember, given the opportunity they would do this to you and your children.


At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

....and to think World Journalist Day is next week. Do you think ANY "journalist" will denounce this murder, or any number of others? Too many people, particularly within the United States, are more concerned with NBA playoffs, American Idol, and/or who did what to who at Duke U. A Muslim Doctor of Phylosiphy recently said Islam needs a reformation e.g. get back to its "roots". If the operational side of the "Holy Warriors" say the "moderate" Muslims are not dutiful and honorable Muslims, what chance is there for reform? If someone has an Oak tree, and desires a different species of tree, would cutting the Oak down to its roots yield a different tree all together? Or would it still be an Oak tree, just of a different pattern of growth? We are not in a "war", we are in a "Holy War". There's a difference. The "Jihad" is entirely symbollic in its employment i.e. each "battle" or "engagement" has a higher meaning to its battalions than just killing, or suppressing, an adversary for a tangible goal i.e. land, waterway, or commodity. We {the "West"} see atrocities, such as the original posts speaks of, as an "act of terror". We view such things in shock and horror because we have suppressed, and been instructed to do so, our anger or judgement because WE have been sold a palette of crap by our supposed "leaders" and government. This poor woman's murder is symbollic for the Mujah Hadein because she represents a "westernized" woman, an ambassador of Satan, a "Infidel". They know the value the "west" places upon their women. They know the value of this murder in keeping western Muslim women in line. For much of the Islamic world, this murder is not a murder, rather a defense for Islam. I suppose this could also be considered an "Honor Killing" too. After all, she was murdered within the teachings of the Surrahs.
You are correct to state that this ideology wishes to do this to every single one of us. Equivalent atrocities and murders took place prior to 1939. Similar apathy of "enlightened" Westerners also infected the west as well.
...perhaps ANOTHER 9.11.01 is what is needed to awaken the "sleeping giant". Then again, Patrick Kennedy's drunk driving, Lush's medical records, Vannity's oozing on Guliani, and Dick Morris's Condi vs Hillary are more worthwhile.

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The film that was used and portrayed as her beheading film was actually a film from October 2004 where 12 Nepalese men were murdered by Ansar al-Sunnah in Iraq. The first man was beheaded and the other 11 were shot to death. This doesn't diminish the horrible nature of the reporters death, but it was inaccurately reported. The Times.UK has been notified by NEIN. Randy Taylor Independent Analyst-NEIN



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