Friday, June 09, 2006

Nuclear attack in New York on June 9 or 10?

Take this with a big grain of salt...

The Lord's Witnesses press release is headlined: "Bible Scholars Predict an 85 Percent Probability of a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on the UN Complex in Manhattan on June 9 or 10."

If it wasn't enough worrying about all the baby anti-Christs being born today(6/6/06), now there is religious group claiming that a nuclear attack could be launched on New York before the weekend.

"The Lords’ Witnesses in all seriousness therefore beg everyone in NYC of any religious or anti religious persuasion whatsoever, who has faith that God can predict the future, to leave NYC before the second weekend in June and, if interested, to read all about our great Biblical understandings from some other place! And more to the point, at some time after that weekend," a press release from The Lord's Witnesses reads.


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