Thursday, July 20, 2006


Check out thes US Citizens evacuated from Lebanon complaining...

"We are frustrated and disappointed, but we are O.K.," said Bob Elazon, an Illinois resident who complained the U.S. evacuation was badly organized.

Others echoed her complaints about the U.S. Embassy.

"The guard was so rude and said there was no evacuation plan, " Michael Russo, 23, of Tucson, Ariz, of his visit to the embassy. "On Wednesday and Thursday I asked them if there was a plan and they looked at me like I was crazy.


“It was a cargo ship that had so many flies. ... It was disgusting. It was cold and damp and muggy and crowded and lots of kids. It took a very long time, and the food was scarce,” Wagner said. “They gave us about 10 minutes to pack and evacuate. It was really fast. That was Tuesday morning,”

You have evacuees bitching about the cost as well(Why should I have to pay?). I'd put them all on a plane and drop right back off in Lebanon. Ingrates!

Americans trying to leave complain of constantly busy U.S. Embassy telephone lines and incomplete information. The government isn't allowing pets, so they must be left behind. Luggage is limited to one 15-pound bag. And evacuees initially were told they must agree to pay the U.S. government for the cost of a flight from Beirut to Cyprus, about $150-$200.

The reimbursement clause, revoked Tuesday, had especially irritated some.

"It's ironic that U.S. taxpayers are paying for the bombs that are being dropped on Lebanon but not for evacuating U.S. citizens," said Daniel Koechlein, 19, a student from American University in Washington, D.C.


At 10:51 PM, Blogger Robert said...

No matter what you do-people are never happy. Like your show and blog-read every day, even though I moved back to Texas. Keep up the good work.


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