Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Blogger Bryan Preston joins me Thursday at 8:35AM ET with details.

Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin is back from Iraq. She just released a video report on the Hot Air blog based on her experiences at Forward Operating Base Justice in Baghdad.

Malkin says the troops she met asked for "time, patience and understanding of enormous complexities on the ground" from folks back home. "The Iraqis we met had similar requests," she says in the report. "No one we talked to wanted American troops to withdraw. There was unanimous agreement that abandoning the mission would be a disastrous capitulation to two-bit thugs and rogue operators."

Her traveling partner, blogger Bryan Preston, posted a lengthy essay on his impressions of the war after spending some time with the troops.

Malkin, who has criticized the Associated Press for quoting an Iraqi police source who said people were burned alive outside a mosque, promised to publish evidence of "media malpractice" in a forthcoming edition of the New York Post.

The controversy centered on whether or not Capt. Jamil Hussein, the source named in the AP story, actually existed. After weeks of back and forth between the bloggers and AP editors, the Iraqi government acknowledged earlier this month "that an Iraqi police officer whose existence had been denied by the Iraqis and the U.S. military is in fact an active member of the force, and said he now faces arrest for speaking to the media."


At 6:26 AM, Blogger YIH said...

If you want news, that is what the internet and news updates on talk radio stations (such as 540 WFLF) are for.
Why do you need TV for news?

At 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was no point in Malkin going to Iraq. She is already pre-disposed to supporting GWB's adventure. She is only going to report on how, in her mind, the Iraqi people love us to be there destroying their country. Talk about the slanted media. There is no difference between her and the left wing media other than the fact they are 180 degrees opposed in their conclusions.


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