Saturday, August 27, 2005

Selective Outrage

The Sentinel is all bent out of shape over Pat Robertson's comments but I can't find anything in the archives about their outrage over similar comments made by George Stephanopoulos.

Robertson wrong

Our position: The televangelist's statements embarrass his faith and bolster U.S. enemies.

Check out this gem...

Mr. Robertson is notorious for off-the-wall statements. He once warned that Orlando would suffer natural disasters for flying flags to mark Gay Days at Disney World.
Didn't we get nailed by three huricanes last year?

Stephanopoulos Urged Foreign Assassination

NM Fresh from his influential White House post, Stephanopoulos devoted an entire column in Newsweek to the topic of whether the U.S. should take out Saddam Hussein.
His headlined? "Why We Should Kill Saddam."

"Assassination may be Clinton's best option," the future "This Week" host urged. "If we can kill Saddam, we should."

Though Iraq war critics now argue that by 1997, the Iraqi dictator was "in a box" and posed no threat whatsoever to the U.S., Stephanopoulos contended that Saddam deserved swift and lethal justice.

"We've exhausted other efforts to stop him, and killing him certainly seems more proportionate to his crimes and discriminate in its effect than massive bombing raids that will inevitably kill innocent civilians," the diminutive former aide contended.

Stephanopoulos even offered a way to get around the presidential ban on foreign assassinations:

"If Clinton decides we can and should assassinate Saddam, he could call in national-security adviser Sandy Berger and sign a secret National Security Decision Directive authorizing it."

Just for the record...

CIA, Military Men Agree with Pat Robertson


At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't somebody take out Pat Robertson. Are we at war with Venezuela? Robertson picks and chooses his dictators. He is friends with Charles Taylor in Liberia who murdered tens of thousands of Liberians and plundered the countrys wealth. In fact Pat himself was on the take in smuggling diamonds out of the country. Pat was also buddies with Mobutu Sese Seiko of Zaire. Pat also helped him plunder that countrys' wealth. The late Mobutu was also a cold blooded killer. However, both of these guys claimed to be "Christians" and that makes them ok by Pat's warped standards.

At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hindsight is always 20/20. Killing Hitler may have made things worse. He may have been replaced by Himmler. You can speculate for hours. Pat made a killing on diamond smuggling.

At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

O bright one dont you mean the Cathalics pray to statues??

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are on the wrong topic, however since when are Catholics not Christians? Most Christians are Catholics, they are the ones who invented the trinity. Protestants are divided into 10,000 different sects.


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