Home School Movement Needs Metal Detectors, Says Pat Robertson

Hat Tip to PugBus.VIRGINIA BEACH, Vir. - Calling the shooting deaths of Michael and Cathryn Borden "the home schooling movement's very own Columbine," televangelist Pat Robertson urged parents who home school their children to install metal detectors in their houses.
The Bordens, both 50, who home schooled the three youngest of their five children, resided near the village of Lititz, in the heart of Pennsylvania's Amish country. Early last Sunday morning David G. Ludwig, 18, who had been dating the Bordens' fourteen-year-old daughter, Kara Beth, shot and killed her parents over a curfew dispute and their refusal to host a prom for the Lititz Area Home School Network.
"Just because Jesus was home schooled," said Robertson, "we can no longer afford to assume every home-schooled pupil walks with Jesus in his heart. The presence of a metal detector in the Bordens' home could have prevented this tragedy."
Next Oprah: Are Home Schooled Students More Promiscuous?
Pat Robertson went off the deep end years ago. He must be having those little strokes. He makes real Christians look like idiots, and he is always fodder for those who oppose Christianity. He needs to go away.
For those of you who didn't check, this is satire.
The story on PugBus
Whatever the case Pat Robertson is an idiot.
Pat Robertson's existance is a joke.
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