I'll be on Fox and Friends Friday morning at 6:10AM ET

Here's what is on tap for Friday: "FOX & Friends First"Starts at 6 a.m. ET
Is Christmas really under attack? We'll get a fair and balanced debate from talk show hosts Ed Schultz and Pat Campbell.
Ed Schultz is smarter than PC. Should be interesting debate.
Doesn't Campbell have his Masters in Math? I don't think Ed could get into college. My money is on PC.
Yeah. That was Fair and Balanced.
What a pathetic display. Long on vitriol, short on substance.
You know what? As a Christian, I find the runaway greed and materialism associated with Christmas more offensive than the anecdotes about supposed "christian persecution." I don't feel persecuted. Quite the contrary.
But, I notice PC doesn't have a problem with the hijacking of Christmas by retailers.
Merry Christmas, you media thug.
Damn, that was brutal! Campbell handed Ed his head on a platter.
Poor Shultz got bitch slapped.
I hope I can see it on the net. I would love to watch Pat rip him a new one!
Jim in PA
Pat did a great job.
Isn't amazing that when a lib can't intelligently express an option they resort to name calling.
Pat a "chump", I don't think so.
Pat had the guy talking to himself..LOL...Pat was great!!!
Pat kicked that dude's ass!!!
Pat blew it. Not to mention he looks alot like Jeff Gannon.
I just found out who Pat is today. I'm not impressed. If this meathead knew anything about Schulz he would know that Ed does not attack Christmas. I have not even heard Franken "attack" Christmas and he is a Jew. This issue is so overblown that it is hilarious. What really endangers Christmas is being more about retailers than about Christ.
Ed Schultz is at the top of his game. He's moved all the way up to a MAJOR radio station in NORTH frickin Dakota, and of course, the amazing Airhead America Radio Network.
When Ed was a kid I didn't like him. He was mean to small animals and I seldom left him any presents. Now, he is off my list for good.
Don't pick on North Dakota just because we have a dork DJ on the radio up here.
We are protecting your warm behinds with missles up here!
Really like your Campbell guy. He should be on our stations.
North Dakota guy with a brain!!
I guess winning a debate means to talk over the other person and call him names. Way to go Pat.
It would be nice if people actually celebrated the day Jesus was born instead of Saturnalia, the Roman holiday for the harvest which the early pagan Christians slipped in as "Christmas."
Way to the Right.....zionist masters. What's that all about?
I think it was Schnit. We need Schnit back on the air in Orlando.
Wow, PC is a moron. Schultz blew him and his neocon pals right out of the water. It just goes to show, if you put an intelligent person in front of any conservative, the conservative will come out looking like an idiot 100% of the time.
Well Christmas is finally over, won't have to hear about this nonsense for another year. Thank God.
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