What's it really like living inside Iran?

Ghazal Omid stops by to share her story.
Living in Hell is a captivating, multi-faceted, insiderÂs account that affords the reader insight into a culture foreign to the West and answers questions about society, politics and religion under the brutal regime of Khomani and his mullahs, posturing as Messiahs.
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IRANIAN PRESIDENT BANS WESTERN MUSIC: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has banned all Western music from state radio and TV stations, continuing his hard shift of Iran away from moderate policies after winning office in August on a platform or returning to ultraconservative principles after eight years of reformist rule under Mohammad Khatami. The official IRAN Persian daily reported Monday (December 19th) that Ahmadinejad, as head of the Supreme Cultural Revolutionary Council, ordered the enactment of an October ruling by the council banning all Western music, including classical music, on state broadcast outlets. Iranians with satellite dishes, however, will still be able to receive broadcasts from outside the country. Music was banned by the late Ayatollah Khomeini soon after Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, however it slowly returned in the quarter-century since, to the point where Western music is now widely available in the country. But with the turning of the tide under Ahmadinejad, Ali Rahbari, the conductor of Tehran's symphony orchestra, resigned earlier this month and left Iran in protest.
A little side note there was an assassination attempt on the Iranian President over the weekend that's not being reported by the western press.
A gripping book. If you are or have a wife, mother, sister or daughter read this book and give thanks you/they do not live in this barbaric, medieval Hell.
A Daily Briefing offers an interesting view trying to connect the recent assassination attempt with the C-130 full of news reporters which crashed recently.
The airplane crash resulted in needless deaths of 119 people due to Iranian military brass ignoring the advice of two experienced military pilots that the C-130 was not airworthy.
Thus, Iran is truly Hell on Earth.
Assassination and the C-130:
Bush is turning Iraq into another Iran. Thanks Mr. President.
"Bush is turning Iraq into another Iran."
When did Iran become a democracy?
Iran elects all it's leaders. That would be a democracy. Just because they do not like us doesn't mean it is not a democracy. France doesn't like us either, yet they are still a democracy. Don't think that Iraq will become a Jeffersonian republic, it will become a clone of Iran, since the majority of the population are Shia Muslims, just as in Iran.
This book is insane. I didn't think I would find a book worse than "Reading Lolita in Tehran" by Azar Nafisi, but boy was I wrong. These books are complete misrepresentations of the Iran that I know and love. I am an Iranian-American who was born in the USA and has had the privilage of living in BOTH Iran and America. True, Iran is not an ideal or perfect country, but the amount to which these books demonize Iran is just WRONG. As a matter of fact, I am taking a semester off school to go live/work in Iran and I will be starting a blog & hopefully publishing a book about my experiences. The only way you can know how Iran really is, is to travel there. So instead of sitting in your cozy Western homes, go see the damn place.
I hear the same fromk many of my friends that have been to Iran. Just remmeber that there is a propoganda campaign against iran by the US and israel and they are trying to demonise the regieme by any means possible so they can change it to one that will allow them access to the oil. So I agree with the other poster.. _ go and see for your self.. as I hear that it is a great place besides the economic issues that come with developing countries
i am persian boy
what do you think about iran ?
i know iran is good no like your country !
U.S. Killed children and women in iraq and afghanestan !
your army killed people in aboghorayb and goantanamo !
but you think your country is not hell !
im so sorry for you !!
cuse you dont know any thing about iran !
abou history of iran !
you are lier !
but iranian people have best wish for you and your country
and i hope you have good luck
have nice time and change your fals imagin about iran
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