Controversial Words At Sharpton's MLK Event

The Video is right HERE. Hillary opens mouth and inserts foot. If Trent Lott said this the media would be crucifying him right now.
How long before the media mentions that Newt Gingrich, just before becoming Speaker of the House, made the same comparison in 1994:
“I clearly fascinate them,” Gingrich said of the Democrats. “I’m much more intense, much more persistent, much more willing to take risks to get it done. Since they think it is their job to run the plantation, it shocks them that I’m actually willing to lead the slave rebellion.” [Washington Post, 10/20/94]
I find your blog interesting and informative. While our politics differ our values of truth, justice and freedom, I think are aligned. I too am apalled by liberals' attempt at political correctness as a means of difussing guilt. I am also apalled at the conservatives' attempt to bury their heads in the sand of self-rightousness and moral superiority while our culture self-destructs. I understand that these are generalizations, but there is a flavor that runs through these ways of seeing the world. Please take a look at today's entry on my blog to see info about a film about to be released exploring our common enemy forwarned by Dwight Eisenhower; the institutionalization of destructive, oppressive, expressions contrary to American values.
I find your musical favorits interesting as these artists often criticize values that you seem to embrace. I am personal friends with John McCrea (leader of CAKE) and his family.
Peace, Alan
Hillary is so full of I will get my way at any price whether or not it bears any resemblence to the truth or not.
(bury their heads in the sand of self-rightousness and moral superiority)???
What are your smoking?
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