"Looting" or "finding"?

Well at least Kanye West got one thing right.
Sept. 1, 2005 Two photographs of New Orleans residents wading through chest-deep water unleashed a wave of chatter among bloggers Wednesday about whether black people are being treated unfairly in media coverage of post-hurricane looting.
One of the images, shot by photographer Dave Martin for the Associated Press, shows a young black man wading through chest-deep waters after "looting" a grocery store, according to the caption. The young man appears to have a case of Pepsi under one arm and a full garbage bag in tow. In the other, similar shot, taken by photographer Chris Graythen for AFP/Getty Images, a white man and a light-skinned woman are shown wading through chest-deep water after "finding" goods including bread and soda, according to the caption, in a local grocery store.
If you were to read the story from the picture taker, you would find out that they were just being honest.(The black kid just came out of a dept. store)
If it was a matter of survival to find food and water then I would not consider that as looting.
If people are taking things like TV sets ect that is looting
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