Jake Steinfeld Wants To Bankroll Your Business!

Business Secrets from the Ultimate Street-Smart Entrepreneur
By Jake Steinfeld
Jake Steinfeld has helped millions of people pump up their bodies, their health,
and their self-confidence. But their businesses? You bet
Foreword by Steven Spielberg
Body by Jake founder Jake Steinfeld has helped millions of people pump up their health, their bodies, and their self-confidence. But can he help you pump up your business? You bet! Whether you’re already up and running or have always dreamed of having a great business, Jake is going to help you get to the next level and beyond.
Jake has seen a lot of big-name celebrities naked. No, not like that! Naked, as in "stripped" of the trappings of their fame and fortune. No entourages, no PR flaks, no designer handbags—and no bull. These famous folks are people just like you, and they don’t have anything that you haven’t got.
As Jake taught them how to get and stay fit, he learned from them: what makes them tick, and what makes them successful. That knowledge has helped him turn a personal training business into a premier fitness product brand, a 24-hour fitness television network, a professional sports league, and instant recognition everywhere he goes.
Now it’s your turn! You don’t need an MBA to start your business, or to get the one you have into fantastic shape—what you need is street smarts, practical knowledge, and a "don’t quit!" attitude. Think of this book as "Business by Jake." It’s an eye-opening success story and an entrepreneur’s tool kit—combined with a motivational kick in the "buttissimo" that is pure Jake! In addition to Jake’s own amazing account, you’ll also read insightful stories about Steven Spielberg, Tommy Hilfiger, Aaron Spelling, and other luminaries from Hollywood, professional sports, the business world and more. You’ll read about the unique relationships Jake formed with each person, and what he learned from them even as he taught and inspired them to be their best. You’ll learn proven strategies to help you:
• Start, build, and grow a business.
• Make connections, establish a network, and put together a great team.
• Find partners and investors.
• Build a high-profile brand.
• Develop the courage to take risks.
• Turn failures into springboards to success.
• Build goodwill and good business through community involvement and charity.
Jake’s message is simple: If he can do it, anyone can. And all those famous people? Remember, Jake has seen them "naked," and they’ve got nothing on you!
So get pumped up, don’t quit, and start flexing your business muscles!
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