Thursday, October 23, 2008

Be Sure To Check Out My KFAQ Blog

Be Sure To Check Out My KFAQ Blog it is updated daily HERE .

Monday, October 20, 2008

Philly Paper Split On It's Endorsement

A President McCain would work across the political aisle. He's done it before, often angering fellow Republicans. And his character is unassailable. The selfless and courageous way he conducted himself during 51/2 years as a POW says much about the man.

He's made mistakes, such as the Keating scandal during the savings and loan crisis, but he's more than atoned for that error with his work on campaign-finance reform. That issue alone shows two other things about McCain: He'll go against his party if he thinks it's in the best interests of the country. And his word is good. He promised to stick with public financing of this year's campaign and did so.

Ask people to describe McCain and the first response often is, "He's honest." What you see is what you get. There are no mysterious associations to dance around. No 20-year attendance of a church whose pastor preached anti-American sermons. No serving on an education reform panel with a domestic terrorist. No financial support from a convicted felon. No ties to a group currently under investigation for possible voter-registration fraud.

And McCain didn't hire as a strategist David Axelrod, who helped lead Mayor John Street's race-baiting reelection campaign.

America needs an honest president with experience, common sense, sound temperament and good judgment in the Oval Office. Those qualities will make it easy for many to vote for McCain.

Obama’s Secret Campaign Cash

Has $63 Million Flowed from Foreign Sources?

Reports say, that unlike John McCain’s campaign, Obama won’t release the names of his smaller donors. (What's he hiding?)

The report spots Obama campaign donors iwith questionable anomalies, including outright violations of federal election laws. For example, Obama has numerous donors who have contributed well over the $4,600 federal election limit.

And more than 37,000 Obama donations appear to be conversions of foreign currency.
According to the analysis of the Obama campaign data before the latest figures were released, potential foreign currency donations could range anywhere from $12.8 million to a stunning $63 million in all. With the addition of $150 million raised in September, this amount could be much more.

When asked about excess contributions, Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt said that contributions already identified as excess had been returned and that those the campaign was just learning about -- either through news accounts or from the Federal Election Commission -- “will be returned.” Source

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Catholic Vote 2008

5 Reasons Why The Church Forbids Catholics From Voting For Obama

What is the first thing Obama would do if elected? In his own words...

With one swipe of the pen he would overturn 35 years of pro-life efforts.

Friday, October 10, 2008


A group Barack Obama used to work for is committing voter-registration fraud in several states, ahead of the election. The group's voter-registration fraud is rampant, and authorities plan a nationwide sweep of ACORN offices to collect records.
~~ In Nevada, state officials say the fraudulent registrations included forms for the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys football team, including quarterback Tony Romo.
~~ In North Carolina, ACORN has registered a record number of new voters, many of them suspicious. Statewide, Democrats are doing better than the GOP in new converts — even in traditionally Republican counties.
~~ In Missouri, one ACORN registrant named Monica Rays showed up on no less than eight forms, all bearing the same signature.
Suspicious election officials sent letters to some 5,000 ACORN registrants in St. Louis, asking the letter recipients to contact them. Fewer than 40 reponded.
~~ In Kansas City, 15,000 registrations have been questioned, and last year four ACORN employees were indicted for fraud.
~~PLUS, ACORN officials have also been indicted in Wisconsin and Colorado. Investigations against others are active in Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.
~~ ACORN has also been registering convicted felons — including inmates — in Florida and other battleground states. ACORN boasts registering a record 1.5 million new voters so far this election.
What does all this have to do with Obama?
For starters, ACORN has endorsed Obama for president, AFTER he paid the group $800,000 to register new voters. Yet, his campaign failed to accurately report those payments. They were hidden in his FEC disclosure as payments to a front group called Citizen Services Inc. for "advance work."
What's more, Obama worked as executive director of ACORN's voter-registration arm, Project Vote, in 1992. Joined by two other community organizers on Chicago's South Side, Obama conducted the voter-registration drive that helped elect Carol Moseley-Braun to the Senate that year.
The next year, 1993, Obama joined the civil-rights law firm Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, where he sued the state of Illinois on behalf of ACORN to implement the federal "Motor Voter" law, which the GOP governor at the time refused to do.
Then-Gov. Jim Edgar argued, that the Clinton law would invite voter fraud.
Obama downplays his ties to ACORN, and his campaign denies coordinating with ACORN to register voters.
RELATED: HOW ACORN GOT ME INTO VOTE SCAM Two Ohio voters, including a Domino's pizza worker, claimed that they were hounded by the community-activist group ACORN to register to vote several times, even though they made it clear they'd already signed up.
The man estimated he'd registered to vote "10 to 15" times after canvassers for ACORN.

Source 1

Source 2
RELATED: Taxpayer Money Goes To ACORN
Now, eight senators have demanded the Federal Housing Finance Agency cut off any funding that could be given to ACORN.
Late Thursday, House Republican Leader John Boehner demanded all federal funding to the group stop, saying the organization can't be trusted with one more taxpayer dollar.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Sally Bell viciously attacked

Sally Bell was viciously attacked by the Tulsa World editorial board
in their endorsement of Karen Keith. Here is some of what they had to say.

Sally Bell, the Republican, is a dangerous and angry person who has made a name for herself with one issue.

She believes her family was rooked when its aging amusement park was forced off the Tulsa County fairgrounds and, therefore, county government should be starved one day at a time.

In other words, she's running for spite.

Spite can carry you a long way. It has already carried Bell to a landslide victory over incumbent Commissioner Randy Miller, the frontman for the effort to evict Bell's Amusement Park.

What does Bell have to offer beyond memories of a roller coaster? Very little of substance and nothing of value. She has put forward a radical anti-tax plan that was designed to appeal to the masses, but, if implemented, would endanger basic county services.

It's a recipe for public embarrassment and stalled progress.

The good news is that an endorsement by the Tulsa World is the political kiss of death. We will be talking about this hatchet job Monday on the show.